Chapter 24

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Your recovery was difficult, but you were strong and refused to give up. Kylo made sure you were properly rested and tended for while he worked on ways to diminish the quarrels on the moon base. 

It took time; troops were promptly deployed and the vandals were eradicated. The wound healed; a scar left in its place as you got better. Once again, another reminder of how similar you were to your husband. A physical resemblance to the scars that had littered his body since you first met.

You didn't blame him. Any other individual would resent the person who'd marked your fragile body in such a way, but your love was far too strong to see it as his fault. He loved you too much, cared too much to want to harm you at all, it was just an unfortunate accident. 

You weren't injured anymore; you were stronger than a simple wound and so was your love for your husband. Once the battles had been won, you both decided to take time away from your duties in order to heal any wounds left over; physical or otherwise.

It had been so long since the two of you spent a day in bed together. Your time off so far had consisted of medical examinations and treatment, but today you both wanted to bask in each other's company. Soft music playing in the background, your back rested against Kylo's side as you played with the ring on his finger while his arm draped over your shoulder. 

"Do you remember the first time we were alone together?" You looked up at him as he smiled and nodded. "I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest. You've always been so sneaky I didn't even hear you come in." You giggled, enjoying reminiscing on your earlier memories. "And of course, you happen to walk in at the moment I was bent over the table trying to reach the data pad that had fallen behind the cupboard." He laughed and drew lazy circles on your arm. 

"Still one of the best views I've ever seen." You lightly smacked his chest, causing you both to burst out laughing. 

"My soul nearly left my body when your hand grabbed my hip. I've never stood up so fast."

Replaying it in your mind, you saw yourself straighten up as Kylo's body moved closer. It happened a few days after the second meeting; when he'd scared off the other man. Your back against his chest as the Force brought the data pad to your hands. "Struggling there kitten?" His hand squeezed your hip as his mask inched closer, resting on your shoulder. "Need me to look after you, to please you, baby?" Your jaw almost dropped, body aching at his every word. "Don't think I don't hear every nasty little thought that goes on in that head of yours, pet. I know you crave me; you work so hard just so I see you." His hands spun you around, pinning you to the table and digging his growing erection into your thigh. You bit your lip as his free hand rested on your neck, thumb rubbing over your jawbone. "Gods, I'd fucking wreck you... right here, over this table. Bet you'd like that" Your eyes closed, chest heaving as Kylo released you and turned to walk away, leaving you aroused and confused.

Kylo smiled and held you tightly, "I've always loved teasing you darling. From the moment I saw you I wanted to be in your head, in your heart, as much as possible. When I saw the opportunity to have you alone, finally, I couldn't pass the chance to make your head spin." You rolled your eyes, turning to face him as he stroked your cheek.

"I think the worst time was in the emergency board meeting... You bastard. I didn't know what to do, or how you could leave me like that." You giggled as you watched him think back, a smirk growing on his face as the memory of the event came back.

It was your first council meeting as Kylo's personal advisor, around a week after your initial night together. You'd never been invited to attend such an important event and your stomach flipped with nerves as you entered Kylo's individual seating area. It was secluded from the rest of the senate, located towards the top of the rows. You could see the rest of the room with ease, but because of your small frame no one could see you if you stayed seated. Once again, you found yourself alone with the masked figure as he walked in and closed the door before taking his seat beside you. A gloved hand rested on your thigh as soon as Kylo settled into his chair, face trained on the rest of the room as your gaze looked down at the hand and then back to your data pad. Thinking nothing of it, you began to brief him on his allocated talking points before the meeting commenced. Kylo hummed in recognition as you helped him prepare for his speech, but your focus faltered as his hand began to raise higher up your leg. As the leather digit met the hem of your skirt, the Supreme leader entered the hall; a signal for everyone to stand out of respect. Once the meeting officially began, you took your seat once more as Kylo remained stood; engaging in the debates whenever he felt appropriate. You gave occasional input from the cover of your seat, prompting Kylo whenever you felt he needed it or if he signalled for you to do so. As the discussion became more intense, you felt a hand returning to your thigh, but Kylo's body had not moved from its position at the railing. The invisible hand parted your thighs and ran up your clothed slit. Lip catching between your teeth, you looked up to see Kylo's hand at his side, gently moving and flicking as you realised what was happening. Your eyes closed, legs parting even more as you relaxed into the touch.

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