Chapter 20

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The day had finally arrived.

Your stomach fluttered with butterflies as the maids helped you dress. Your hair had been styled to fall over one shoulder in large waves, tiara perching on top as the veil hung across your face and shoulders. Everything was perfect and the buzz of the city below you made you even more excited.

Two days apart had felt like an eternity. You knew he'd been listening to your thoughts, making sure you were safe and happy. But sleeping alone in your large bed had felt so lonely. Knowing you'd be seeing him again soon helped steady your nerves.

The ceremony venue was beautiful. A dimly light room, lights littering the ceiling like stars. The aisle was lined with those same red flowers he knew you loved. The minister stood at the front, and your smile beamed as bright as the sun as you turned the corner to see the love of your life at the altar.

His hand covered his mouth as your eyes met, speechless at the sight of you walking towards him. You had always been the most beautiful view in the galaxy to him, but seeing you in your wedding dress took his breath away. As you stood to his side, you took in the appearance of your lover. Kylo's eyes shone so brightly, even in the dim light of the room. His smile made your heart soar and you'd never seen him in such formal clothing. 

The suit was completely black, saber still resting on his hip. His hair was slicked back, but a small strand still cascaded down his cheek. Hand reaching out, you brushed the strand behind his ear and smiled. No mask, no hiding. Kylo stood before you, ready to marry you as himself. His lips met the palm of your hand just as you pulled it away, and your fingers interlocked with his at your side. You didn't want to look away; fixated on the sight of him. "Hi" you whispered, giggling and looking down. You couldn't believe what was happening; you never thought you'd get here.

All you could focus on was the man in front you of as your turned to face each other, reciting the vows that the minister asked of you as your hands held on tightly. Your eyes didn't leave his once; you spent the time memorising every detail, every mark on his face. He was so handsome, so natural; you couldn't believe this man wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. As "I do" fell from your lips, a tear ran down your cheek. The minister barely managed to finish his final sentence before Kylo's arms wrapped around your waist, bringing your bodies together as you shared your first kiss as a married couple. Your hands tangled in his hair as your lips glided against him, his arms crossed against your lower back keeping you tightly against him. This was no longer just your lover. No longer simply your Emperor. This man in your arms was your husband.

You could hear the streets full of crowds cheering from inside the tower as you both prepared for the parade. Standing on the procession craft, Kylo's hand never left yours. You turned to him, wanting to capture the look in his eyes once more before it was hidden behind the mask. So lost in his smile, you hadn't realised that the craft had begun to move into the daylight. As you finally became aware of the movement, you quickly turned to Kylo. "But, you... Your mask? What ab-" his lips connected to yours, silencing you as a hand cupped your cheek and kept your face to his. Your hands rested on his arms, face pulling away slightly as the sunlight warmed your skin.

"No more hiding, my darling." He smiled and turned to the crowds, waving at the people below. You couldn't believe it; the crowds screamed with joy and cheered as they caught the first glimpse of you both. Kylo's skin glistened in the sunlight, his eyes bright with pride and joy as people threw flowers up to you. Your eyes couldn't leave his face, mesmerized by the way he looked in that moment. "Kitten, you have the rest of our lives to stare at me, wave to the people," he laughed and wrapped his arm around your waist, "it's time they see us." Before he could turn away, you held his face in your hands and kissed him passionately. You were so proud of him, so in awe of the strength he had to finally show himself to the world. A soft moan left his lips, his smile growing as he listened to the thoughts roaming your mind. 

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