Chapter 9

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The next day was like a dream, you spent the entire day in Kylo's arms. He wouldn't leave your side; whatever you wanted he got for you, wherever you wanted to go he was there with you. The suns in the sky meant it was the perfect weather to explore the fields surrounding the barracks. It had been so long since you let your hair down and just enjoyed nature. Kylo had never seen this side of you; so pure and natural. Watching you run through the fields and roll around in the flowers made his love intensify more than he ever expected. Someone so cold never knew this kind of love was possible. It scared him; how much he could lose loving you so much. But it was a risk worth taking.

Snapping him out of his thoughts, you dragged him onto the floor with you, laughing as his shocked face came crashing down on top of you. Propping himself up on his elbows, Kylo laughed and looked down at the radiant smile across your face gleaming up at him. You'd never seen such happiness in his eyes. Dressed in slim fitting causal wear to avoid prying eyes that his usual uniform attracts, he looked normal. He looked human. There had never been a time more sentimental to you, more loving. Pink skies made the glow in your lover's cheeks gleam brighter than usual, heart raising as you gazed up at him.

Laying there together, you felt an eternity pass and couldn't think of a better way to spend your time. Kylo leant down and kissed you; slow and passionate, savouring your flavour as if it was the first and last time he'd taste it. Your hands tangled into his hair, legs wrapping around him. He smiled against your lips, one hand by your head to steady him and the other resting on your thigh. You had dreamed of a moment like this; surrounded by beautiful red flowers, holding the man of your wildest fantasies as he kissed you with so much love you felt your souls intertwine.

As he pulled away, your hand cupped his cheek as you smiled up at him. "You look so beautiful like this Kylo... so happy." His smile mirrored yours as he kissed your head. 

"My love, I'm happy because I have you. I was so alone... so lost, for so long. And, then you came into my life. I had everything, but I gave it away. Now, now I'm never letting you go again. I never want to feel the way I felt when you left." 

"Kylo, you won't," your thumb stroked over his cheek as he leant against your touch, his eyes closing as he sighed, "you won't feel like that because I won't let you. I won't let you lose yourself to the dark again. You just need to let me in and tell me if you need me... I'll do anything for you." 

"Anything for you my sweet. With you by my side, I am whole... not even the Maker could tear me away from you. Never again." 

The rest of the day was filled with loving embraces and tender moments. Kylo's hands never rose above your hips, scared to trigger fear in you the way he did the night before. You appreciated his apprehension; it meant a lot that he would restrain himself to make sure you felt safe with him. 

Nights by the fireplaces relaxed you, laying in the arms of your lover allowed your heart to mend. The warmth of the fire and your bodies tangled together allowed you to sleep better than you had in years. Each day filled your heart with hope for your future together, each night healed any wounds your past had left you with. After a few nights, Kylo had mentioned you would have to head back to the capital soon. You wanted your last night to be special, and so decided you would surprise your love and cook for him. While he slept peacefully on the sofa, tired out from you running circles around him in the fields earlier, you began to prepare the meal you first made him when you moved into the command tower. It was one of his favourite dishes and you knew that it was special to him when you prepared it.

About an hour had passed, and everything was prepared. The last elements were placed into the cooker, so you decided to sneak upstairs and get changed. You wanted it to be a special night, so decided to dress up. As you slowly walked down the stairs, you noticed Kylo had awoken and was watching the fire burn, eyes trained on the way the flames danced. You snuck up behind him, covering his eyes with your hands and kissing his neck. "Hello sleepy head, did I give you too much of a workout today?" You giggled and moved around so your stood in front of him, still covering his eyes. 

"What are you up to pet? I hope you haven't been naughty while I've been resting." He smiled and reached up to move your hands, lip catching between his teeth as he took in your appearance. "What's all this for princess?" he smiled and stood, wrapping his arms round your waist, and drinking in your body.

"I decided to do something special, as a thank you," you smiled and led him to the kitchen, "I made dinner tonight. Sent the helpers home and prepared everything myself." His head tilted as he scanned the kitchen. Before you could react, he lifted you up and spun you around. 

"You know," he smiled and put you back onto the floor "if you wanted to say thank you, you could've just sucked my dick." You giggled and hit his chest, a laugh falling from his lips as he kissed your head. "I'm just joking my love, thank you for all of this. You really are my special girl." The rest of the evening was spent in pleasant conversation and warm embraces. Retiring to the bedroom early, you felt asleep tangled in each other's arms sharing nothing but sheer adoration between you. 


Hey everyone! Little bit of a short one today, but its just a filler. Trust me, things are going to get messy real soon.... hehehe 

Love you all. Thank you so much for all the support and the comments. They really make my day! 

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