Chapter 10

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Hi Guys!! Quick AN here just to say thanks so much for the continuous love and support. This is chapter 10, so we're nowhere near done. As an estimate, we're looking at 46 parts here so please stick around, share, comment and vote! find me on tiktok and instagram as @willingsurrender where we can talk and interact. I'm happy to answer questions or hear your theories about where this is going! 


A month had passed since the trip. You quickly got back to how life was before you left all those years ago. A new purpose took over your life; working for the Order again made you feel useful. Like it was where you truly belonged. You helped co-ordinate supply vessels, ran inter-city projects, and helped Kylo in any way he would let you. 

Kylo had become less cautious with you, returning to his usual touchy and provocative self, even going so far as to become affectionate in public, something that was new but exciting to you. He'd have you on his lap during meetings, lips on your neck while the officers around you bickered or offered reports. The mask had begun to disappear in meetings; trusted colleagues now able to look upon the face of their leader. Kylo claimed it was because he felt more assertive when he could look into their eyes, but you knew it was because it gave him the chance to show off how much you melted as his lips touched your skin. He thrived off of the looks of jealousy, of anger, that the officers sent his way as he claimed you whenever he pleased. In town, his hands would slip down your waist and rest on your arse as you talked to locals, squeezing and groping the flesh as you tried to keep composed. Things felt so normal and after how relaxed the getaway had made you, you felt unstoppable. The Order was thriving; new planets joining and pledging allegiance every day, bringing in new tasks and opportunities.

One day you were asked to attend a public event as a representative of the emperor. It was the opening of a new inter-planet marketplace, where merchants from all over could trade alongside each other. As you roamed the lanes between the carts, your eyes fell on an all too familiar smile. Thomas approached you, eyes shining as he embraced you. You couldn't believe it was him, hugging him tightly and smiling. You were so pleased to see him, taking so much pleasure in catching up on everything that had happened since you last saw each other. 

Your words spun tales of progress and hope, much like the stories you used to tell the children. It was just like spending time with an old friend; someone who was so familiar to you putting you at ease. As you lost yourself in conversation, you felt one of the storm troopers who had accompanied you to the event tap your shoulder. They said that they felt as though your actions were not serving the interest of the emperor and asked you to immediately return to the tower. You rolled your eyes and told them to leave, enjoying spending time with someone who brought you happiness outside of your lover. You weren't going to be ordered around my two men who were there to serve you.

Walking around the newly built space, you spent the next hour with Thomas, reminiscing on the good times you'd shared. It was refreshing to speak to someone outside of your normal lifestyle. You'd learnt he hadn't moved on, favouring putting all his time into his work on the farm. It made your heart ache slightly to think of him alone, but you knew how much the farm meant to him as so knew he was happy.

Turning the corner to exit the market, you saw the mask trudging towards you. You were frozen in place as the Force captured your body; holding you like a statue as Kylo closed the gap and stood before the two of you. "I thought I sent you out on business, only to hear you neglecting your duties in favour of this," he turned to face Thomas, also frozen in place but not from the Force, from pure fear, "peasant boy again." You tried to move, to reach to Kylo in a bid to calm him down but couldn't. 

"Kylo please, let's just got back. You know nothing was happening we were just catching up. He was here to support your new venture. Nothing else." Your body became free of its constraints and you immediately placed your hands on his arm, trying to soothe him and restrain him from lashing out. His gaze still fixated on Thomas, who had bowed his head to avoid looking into the void of the mask. "Please, take me home... please." It was evident how much fear had washed over you, your heart nearly pulsing out of your chest as merchants began to circle the scene. Kylo's presence always attracted crowds, meaning that it was important to try to help him regain composure quickly. You heard a sigh escape the mask as his posture relaxed, putting his arm around your waist and briefly surveying the area. 

"Know your place next time boy; don't feel so inclined to address a superior without permission." Thomas nodded, apologising for any issues he'd caused, and sending you one last remorseful glance before walking away. Considering what could've happened, you were proud of Kylo for keeping so calm. You smiled slightly and turned to him, running your hand up to his shoulder.

"Thank you my darling. I'm so proud of you. You handled that so well and I appreciate it so much. That's what makes you such a powerful leader, you command such respect." You knew he'd still be mad, so tried saying anything to make his mind loose focus on his anger. Your walk back to the tower was silent, his arm firmly grasping you close to him as you entered his chambers. Losing the grip on your waist, Kylo walked towards the window and stood with his arms crossed behind him. You sat on the bed facing him, waiting for something to happen. 

"I know you wouldn't betray me my dear," his gaze stayed on the city below you, admiring his years of hard work. "I just can't have you seen with another man... Especially him." Kylo's fists tightened as he referenced Thomas; you knew how he felt about him and knew there was an insecurity surrounding the time you'd spent with him. 

"I'm sorry Kylo, truly I am. I didn't think about it, I was just," you sighed, trying to find a good way to word your next sentence, "I was excited to see a familiar face that's all. It was nice talking to someone from outside the tower." You bit your lip as he turned and walked towards you.

"Excited? To see him?" he crouched in front of you, mask meeting your eyeline. Your head bowed, knowing you had said something wrong. 

"I just meant... I mean I like talking to people that's all. Speaking to someone different was refreshing." You looked up at the cold metal that sat inches from your face. 

"Refreshing? Hm, so I'm not enough, is that it?" His fists lay on the bed either side of your legs, voice becoming low as anger began to build once more. 

"No! Oh, gods no! My love of course not," you reached to take off his mask, desperate to hold his face in your hands and wipe away any doubt he had.

Asthe mask came off you leant forward as quickly as his lips became visible tokiss him softly, mask dropping to the floor with a loud crash. You wanted toreassure him, to make him feel better. His hands relaxed and settled on yourthighs, lips melting into the kiss. Your hands cupped his cheeks as your lipsglided against his, feeling the anger dissipate from within him. You hummedagainst his lips and stroked his softening features. He pulled away slowly, thewords falling from lips next caused your eyes to shoot open. 

"No more littleadventures on your own my sweet one, from now on." He stood and walked away,not giving you time to protest. As he reappeared, armour shed, you tried toprotest his last notion, but he raised his hand to silence you before you couldget a word out. "Now, now. I know you don't like it, but it's for your owngood. Mine as well. We can't have our people thinking we are divided, now canwe?" Your bottom lip caught between your teeth, considering what he was saying.Kylo sat next to you on the bed, taking your hands in his own. "You know I doit because I want you safe. I don't want to upset you. My princess can have theworld at her feet, but we must consider our position within the new worldorder." It made sense; he wasn't being vindictive or cruel. He did have yourbest interests at heart. "You can still see the town my dear, whenever you like"you looked up, hope gleaming in your eyes. The thought of not being able tospend time with your people dulled your heart. "You just have to be accompaniedmy love. By me." You nodded; spending more time with Kylo wasn't a punishment,and if it kept his mind peaceful you would obey. 

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