Chapter 31

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HELLO GUYS!!!!!!! ITS ME the ridiculous flake of an author. I am truly so sorry for leaving you all hanging, life has been an absolute mess the past year and I really just haven't had the time or the energy to edit and post. Its pained me to leave it so long, and I promise I will try to get back into a routine and get you guys to the end. 

Please accept this colossal chapter as an apology, and please be prepared for a lot of sadness, anger, violence and bad stuff coming up. 

For anyone that likes to read on AO3, at the time of uploading here I could not access the website. Hopefully it'll work again soon and I will catch up the 2 uploads. Love you all, and hope you enjoy 


Your head snapped towards the door as you heard it click open, your husband walking through and smiling as you ran over to him. He held you tightly, rubbing your back as you began to cry against his chest. 

"Hey, little one... I thought you'd be happy to see me." He chuckled and lifted you up, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist as you kissed him the second your faces became level. His hands held onto you tightly, not letting your body drop an inch as he walked into the bedroom. 

Sitting on the bed, he smiled against your mouth as you settled on his lap. Pulling away, you let your forehead rest against him and smiled, "how are you feeling Kylo? I was so worried." He shook his head and smiled, hands rubbing up and down your thighs. 

"I told you on the flight back I'd be fine. The bacta kicked in almost instantly, I didn't even need to go to the medbay. But someone made me because they were panicking." You bit your lip and blushed, looking down as his hands came up to your cheeks. "It's cute that you worried so much, angel. I like when you look after me." Smiling, you met his gaze once more. "So, what did I miss when I was away?" You filled him in on the meeting; there wasn't much to say because no one really had answers yet. It was going to take time before anyone could bring you the information you requested, in the meantime your focus was looking after your husband and making sure his wounds healed properly.

Your hands ran through his hair, heart beating against your chest as he practically purred under your soft touch. "Kylo..." The expression on your face caused a feeling of unsettling nerves within your husband, his forehead resting on yours as he waited for you to speak. "I... I don't want to stress you, because you've just come back but... I have to ask." He nodded, smiling and pecking your lips as you paused to consider your next sentence. "The fighter that shot you, he said something as he died..." Kylo's face hardened, his back straightening and body becoming rigid. "What did he mean, w...who was he talking about?" A long sigh left his lips, eyes burning into you as he listened to the memory replay in your head. Your bottom lip caught between your teeth, hand continuing to stroke through his hair as you watched his every move. 

"I really can't avoid it... it seems my past won't die. Not while my kitten here is so curious," Kylo's face became cold, harsh. A snarl adorned his mouth as he spoke. "Curiosity did kill the cat, you know..." Feeling nervous, you stood from his lap and backed away slowly. 

"I just wanted to know what he meant Kylo, the man had just shot you for fuck sake. It obviously meant something and if it means something to the Resistance then I have a right to know." Crossing your arms, you watched your husband rise from the bed and walk over to the window. His hands clamped behind his back; stare fixed on the city below.

"You must know Han Solo, my dear... everyone in this god forsaken galaxy knows the name of that old fool." Biting you lip, your mind raced for answers. He turned to you, watching as your brow furrowed. 

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