Chapter 19

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Hello my darlings! Just me popping in to say Happy Christmas as this will be my last update before the big day. FTE is over 2k reads now and I'm in disbelief! Thank you all so much for the love and support. Enjoy these 3 chapters as an early Xmas treat :)


Weddings plans were in full force; it was your excuse to avoid training and responsibilities. You spent hours every day designing the venue, the procession, everything. Kylo gave his input at times, whenever you asked, but ultimately this was your project.

Today was the day of your dress fitting. It was one week until the ceremony, and Kylo had commissioned the Order's best seamstress to create a dress of your own design. You had been conversing with her for weeks, discussing every minor detail to make sure your dress was perfect. 

Accompanying you to the fitting was your personal maid; the lady who had looked after you since your first day as companion to the Emperor. While you didn't get to spend much time with her outside of clothing fittings and errand runs, she was still a dear friend to you and the closest thing to a mother you have had in years. She was very well versed in your needs and over the years you had become close; it was nice to have someone with such a gentle nature watching over you. When you were injured, it was her that cared for you whenever Kylo had to be elsewhere. So, it was a special moment for you both when you stepped into the viewing room.

It was everything you could've dreamed of – the fabric hugged your figure in the perfect fit to flatter your curves. Beautiful lace flowed from your waist in a large skirt that ended in a lengthy train, with two large pieces branching up and sitting on your chest. The points of the lace outlined your face perfectly, standing up like a frame from your breasts up to the points above your head and you couldn't believe it was really you in the mirror. Golden details littered the dress, shining under the light and giving the impression of glowing energy throughout the material. The veil was delicate and elegant; it attached to a small golden tiara that sat on your head. You truly felt like a princess.

Everything was ready. The plan was to have the ceremony privately; just the two of you, a few trusted friends and advisors as witnesses and the minister. After that, you both would take the procession through town so the people could see you in your dress and celebrate the day with you. The parade would be broadcast throughout the First Order so subjects from across the galaxies could feel part of the festivities. It was all going to be perfect, but one point had remained a disagreement between the two of you. 

"I will not marry a mask Kylo! I won't. I should be able to look into the eyes of the man I am marrying when I say I do." You crossed your arms, tired of having the same fight every time you tried to bring it up. Kylo stood at the opposite end of the room, watching you as you began to pace up and down along the window. "If you want to wear the damn thing on the parade that's fine, I accept that. But I will not walk down the aisle to meet that metal face at the altar!" He shook his head and sat on the edge of the bed closest to you. 

"My dear we've talked about this. I cannot allow my face to be so unnecessarily known. It's not who I am and you know that. Security threats are ridiculously high that day, I need to be able to protect you if something happened." You turned to him, face cold. 

"Oh don't try and use that excuse again. It's me Kylo, me. And a hand-picked selection of witnesses. People that you picked yourself. How can you not just be you for one day! You always share your face with me, always. You're doing it now! How can you deny this one thing for me on our wedding day?" He simply shook his head, standing and walking over to you. You turned your back and faced the window, feeling his presence directly behind as your eyes locked on the sky. "Do you even want to get married? Do you even love me enough..." your eyes closed as anger was replaced with sadness. A longing for validation buzzed in your mind as you waited for a response, scared of what he was going to say. Hot breath hit the back of your neck as Kylo sighed, hands running down your arms and landing on your lower stomach. He pulled you backwards until your back connected with his chest. Teary eyes watched the city as you couldn't bring yourself to turn around. A gentle kiss was left at your temple before Kylo spoke.

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