Chapter 29

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AN: Hello everyone! Its been a while, and I'm so sorry. I just wanted to say something before we get into the next chapter. 

I need to make it clear now, this fic is not being written at the time of updates. For The Emperor was finished in September 2020 and besides editing, I have not added, changed, or altered the story at all. It is a completed fic that I edit and upload when I have time to do so. I say this because I recently read an update of a popular fic that eerily mirrors events that are coming up in the next few chapters of this story. So pre-emptively - I DID NOT COPY ANYONE. EVERYTHING YOU READ HERE IS MY WORK, AND MY STORY WRITTEN MONTHS AGO. I love you all, and adore reading all your comments. I just wanted to make this clear now before we progress further 


The fields were as beautiful as ever, flowers resilient and blooming regardless of any weather or storm thrown at them. They reminded you of yourself, strong but still so fragile. 

Sitting at the cliffside overlooking the field and the compound, you sighed and ran your hand through the dozens of red petals surrounding you. The charm dangling from your bracelet tapping against each petal it ran over, diamond catching the sunlight and shining against your skin. Back resting against the newly build statue that Kylo had gifted you for your birthday, your eyes rested on the clouds above. Their effortless movements across the sky helped settle your anxiety; spending time in nature had always helped you relax, ever since you were a little girl. Your eyes closed, head resting back against the marble replica of your parents as you sighed and tried to clear your mind of the last 24 hours. Feeling close to them soothed your breaking heart, looking up at their faces and seeing the reminder of their love made you long for that within your own marriage. And yet, you found yourself sat all alone, bruised and longing for the love you deserved.

Hand still running through the flowers beside your legs, your eyes opened again as you heard the echoing of an incoming aircraft overhead. You were surprised he had waited this long, half expecting him to have turned up in the middle of the night. Not leaving your current position, you watched as the ship swiftly docked and the ramp dropped. Your body lowered, lying flat on the ground to try and evade detection as you saw Kylo march down the ramp and towards the building. No intention of moving, you rested on your back, gaze lifting back up to the clouds above as you heard shouting in the distance. Taking a deep breath, you emptied your head of any thoughts to try and avoid letting your husband find you. The smell of the flowers around you relaxed your tense posture; their sweet aroma soothing you. Realising the shouting had died down, you closed your eyes and let your fatigued body drift off to sleep amongst the flowers.

The sky had turned a deep shade of red by the time your eyes opened once more. Still resting by the statue, you slowly sat up and took in your surroundings. Arms stretching up above your head, a long yawn fell from your lips as you rose to your feet. It was late evening and you knew you had to return to the house at some point. The dark grey walls of the fortress in the distance beckoning you as you began to walk back, mind running with possibilities of what awaited you behind the closed doors.

Reaching for the door, you startled as it swung open on its own. Slowly walking through, your eyes darted about for any sign of him. Heart rate becoming rapid, you screamed as two arms wrapped around your waist without warning. "Do you want to kill me?!" Kylo didn't respond, choosing to pull your body tightly against his chest and bury his face into your neck. Chest rising and falling harshly, your eyes closed and you tried to steady your breathing again. One arm tightly around your waist, the other resting against your chest, your husband clung to you as if you'd disappear if he let go. Feather light kisses peppered your neck as tears began to fill your eyes.

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