Chapter 1

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Once there was chaos, war, famine. Now, under the rule of the First Order, peace had settled across the galaxies. Cities were rebuilt, purpose was given to those who survived the battles. Fear had been replaced with harmony and prosperity. At the top stood the man you loved, the man who had brought it all together. Kylo Ren, first emperor of the new Order. You had been by his side since the battles had begun, first serving as a member of his council. You didn't come to the Order with much; you'd lost your parents in your teens and had since lived a very solitary life. All of your time went into your work, climbing the ranks within the Order's branch on your planet. Receiving a promotion was the most exciting moment of your life; finally, being able to leave your home and feel like you were making a difference within the new world.

Your job was to advise and feedback on planets under your designated supervision, sitting in on meetings and occassionally reporting to superior officers if called for.

You had been at the capital for around 2 weeks before first meeting him; his presence swallowed you as he entered the conference. Even though you were sitting at opposite ends of a crowded room, it felt as though his attention was solely on you. Mask gazing in your direction, Kylo studied the new recruit; you were fresh and hopeful, the glimmer in your eye told him you were kind and gentle, something that not many people within the capital could say anymore. He scanned your mind, trying to learn all he could while you focussed on the conversation around the table. As the only woman in the room, you desperately tried to speak but were continuously shut down. As you began to explain your view on the current subject matter, one of the officers positioned opposite you interrupted. Your fists clenched, frustration building but before you could voice your anger, Kylo stood. "I think the new recruit was speaking officer. You'll do well to remember your manners around a young lady." The entire table turned to face him; it was the first thing he had said all meeting. Your cheeks flushed pink, hand tucking your hair behind your ear as he signalled you to continue speaking. Addressing the room, your eyes kept darting over to the man who had defended you as he once again sat down. Head resting on his hand, he watched you with an intense energy. Even after you had finished speaking, his eyes never left you. With the meeting drawing to a close you quickly gathered your belongings and stood, wanting to thank the man who supported you. But as you turned to walk towards where he had been positioned, you realised he had already left.

You were anxious for the next meeting, mind not being able to focus on anything other than the mysterious mask that had stared you down during the last assembly. He was all you could think about; he'd buried into your brain and consumed your conscious thought. As you made your way into the conference room, you realised that your designated seat had moved. No longer were you placed at the bottom of the table; you had been allocated the seat at the head, next to Kylo. You took your seat, nervously looking around the room as your eyes caught the disapproving glares of officers entering and finding their own places. They didn't like that you now sat at such a prestigious position on the table after only being here for such a short time. Looking down at your data pad you failed to notice the tall black frame appear beside you, taking his seat and scanning the room. "Something the matter soldier?" Kylo watched as the officers to his left straightened up, gaze snapping from you to the masked superior. "You have a problem with the way I have chosen to seat this council?" The officer shook his head furiously and let his eyes drop to the table in front of him. Kylo's mask glanced towards you and then back to the table, signalling the meeting to start. While the conversation around the table became heated, men turning on each other as they argued over trivial matters, you felt Kylo's leg rest against your own as he sat forward with his arms resting on the table. Your knees pressing against each other, lip caught between your teeth as you watched his hand move from the table to rest on your thigh. The shouting and debating began to simmer into background noise as your mind focussed solely on the feeling of his hand on you. Conversation turned to your sector, eyes shifting to you. Realising you were expected to speak, your back straightened and words began falling from your mouth. Giving your report was easy; there were no real issues in your sector and everything you had to say was straight forward. What made it difficult was the feeling of fingers running up and down your thigh, shielded from view by your proximity to the table. As you finished your report, the hand left your thigh. Kylo stood, walking around the table as the officers' discussion quickly returned to the heated debate it was before your report. His back rested against the wall, gaze never leaving you as he took you in from his new perspective. There was something so intriguing about you; just as he hadn't left your mind since the last time you met, you had not left his. Kylo couldn't explain his fascination with you or why your image wouldn't leave his brain. He didn't know why he imagined your body in his arms when his eyes closed, or why the thought of your smile calmed him so much. He respected you as an officer, he admired your drive and ambition; he saw a lot of himself in you which only made his curiosity grow. The meeting drew to a close and you rose from your chair.

Turning to the door, you felt a hand gently grip your arm causing you to draw your attention to the person behind you. Your heart dropped slightly, disappointed that the hand didn't belong to the masked figure that plagued you. One of the younger officers beamed down at you, smiling as your eyes met. "I hope you don't mind, but I just wanted to say you're doing really well. I know how hard it is being the new guy. So well done sticking with it." You smiled, body turning to face the man "thanks I really appreciate that, it's been pretty rough. I'm starting to feel pretty unwelcome around here." The hand on your arm began to rub up and down as he tilted his head slightly, "I can assure you, there's definitely people around here that are happy about your arrival." Your lip caught in your teeth as his smile became suggestive, his eye dropping into a cheeky wink. Before you could speak, a strong presence behind you sent a shiver down your spine. "So glad to see you taking the time to harass the new staff, instead of returning to your post, general." The modulator made the tone harsh, causing you both to freeze. The man released your arm from his grip and bowed. "I'm sorry sir, I was simply welcoming the newest member to the team. Wouldn't want her thinking we're all mean and closed minded." He smiled at you once more, dropping another quick wink before walking away. As you turned to speak to the frightening man looming behind, he walked away before you had the chance to meet his gaze. 

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