New Adventures Part 8

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The next day was the last before an early morning departure the next, for a short 1-hour flight, north to Brussels - the French-speaking capital of Belgium - with a concert that night - and the couple were busy with packing, organising music, cleaning - with some practice in between.  A couple of times, Hye-won saw Seon-jae look at her quizzically - as though he had something to share or was expecting her to say something - but when she caught his eye or smiled at him, he just smiled back and resumed his task.  It was clear that something was pre-occupying his thoughts but time was not on their side for a proper heart-to-heart.  It might just be my imagination.  

After such an active day, by late evening, Hye-won was out on her feet with fatigue and listlessly ate a light meal, her fork in her right hand for convenience.  Seon-jae sat across from her and as soon as she laid her fork on the table, stood decisively: 'right, that's it.  You look so tired, I'm afraid that you will actually pass out on me.  It's bed for you, my love.'

Though Hye-won demurred, she allowed him to lead her by the hand - he will probably lift me into his arms if he has to  - and was soon lying in bed, protesting mildly that she would just rest her eyes for a few minutes, while she was already struggling to keep them open.  It feels like the first day when I arrived and he put me to bed - so comfy.  Seon-jae sat on the edge of the bed beside her, arranging her hair back from her face and stroking her forehead: 'ssh, love, just rest.  I'm setting the alarm on my phone now and everything is ready for tomorrow.  I'll just look over some music quietly here and come to bed soon too...ssh.'

It was the last she heard before their 6am wake-up call the next day, when Seon-jae turned to kiss her awake and whispered to her: 'wake up love, time for new adventures.'


The travel was un-eventful and they alighted their taxi at the hotel and - after a quick freshen-up in their rooms - were en route to the concert venue for a rehearsal before lunch

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The travel was un-eventful and they alighted their taxi at the hotel and - after a quick freshen-up in their rooms - were en route to the concert venue for a rehearsal before lunch.  The temperatures in Brussels were lower than in Freiburg but the humidity seemed higher, so it was a relief to enter the cooler, darkened interior of the ancient cathedral.  Detailed frescoes covered the walls and ceilings and brass candle-holders gleamed in each alcove.  The grand piano had already been moved into position and the pianists all took some time to familiarise themselves with it.  They also had use of a smaller, rehearsal room that the cathedral choir used, which had a good, up-right piano.

Hye-won and Ciara had just come to the end of their last piece, when a light tap on the door was followed by Seon-jae's head peeping around the jam: 'we are finished too - ready for lunch, you two?'  



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Hye-jae:  Book 2 - New LovesWhere stories live. Discover now