Happy Days Part 22

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'And she wakes...'

Hye-won blinked and Seon-jae's features swam into view, where he stood, tray in hand, gently watching her reach consciousness.  The white bed clothes made her dark hair and eyes even more remarkable and he quietly admired. 

'Love...what...is it late?'

He smiled and stepped forward. 

'It's noon, love.  You were sleeping so soundly, I didn't disturb you.'

He waited patiently, as Hye-won pulled herself upwards in the bed and propped herself against the pillows.


'You obviously needed it.  Yesterday was...mind-blowing busy.'

She glanced at the tray of food and looked questioningly.

'Because you missed breakfast,' he settled the tray on her lap: 'it's brunch, I suppose.'

She took a closer look at the contents of the tray - eggs, fruit, fresh bread, salad, cheese, cold meats, a jug of steaming coffee: 'this is a...feast, Seon-jae.'

She took her first proper look at him too - casual in jeans and a hoodie, fresh-faced, vital: 'wow, you look...delicious cool.'

He grinned self-deprecatingly and reached a hand to cup her cheek lightly: 'cool enough to kiss good...well, I suppose afternoon, by now?'

She groaned slightly in embarrassment but placed an easy kiss on his lips, then drew back a little to gaze into his eyes and whisper close to his mouth: 'good afternoon, cool guy,' before leaning to take fuller possession of those lips in a kiss that brought him right back to their precious, stolen kiss of the night before.  Her lips were soft and gentle but her tongue was insistent and demanding and he yielded instantly, the kiss quickly becoming as hot as any he could ever remember.  When Hye-won drew breath, his eyes were glazed with erotic desire and she waited for him to re-focus: 'I'm starving.' 

He looked bereft for an instant, until something in her tone made him take a second look at her and he saw in her salacious look that eggs and coffee could wait.  The speed with which he deposited the laden tray on the side-table had her giggling: 'not so cool now, Lee Seon-jae,' but the sexy determination in his look as he advanced on her, pulling first the hoodie, and then the tee, over his head as he did, belied that.  She sank back into the pillow and openly bit her lower lip, guzzling the sexy sight of him.  

'Ah, that's better,' she teased racily, reaching to cup his upper chest, a delicious blend of defined muscle below satin smooth skin.  His eye-lids flickered as he leaned closer - his head back, her hand on his bare skin sending shivers through him.  Hye-won couldn't see this and not play with him: 'hey, cool guy?'

A husky, 'hmm?' eyes still closed.

'I was asleep a long time.'

'Mmm,' his drawl even slower this time, as he fell more deeply under the spell of her other hand drawing slow, tantalising nail-pulls down his upper arm, to a long hiss of erotic response.

'So, I had plenty of time to dream of my sexy one.'

His eyes opened, a fire within them that set her senses rocking: 'your sexy one?'

'Yes, am I wrong?  Are you someone else's sexy one?'

Her flickering look and wet tongue tipping her top lip was a siren-call: 'no, Oh Hye-won, as you know, all my sexy is for you.'  

Her filthy smirk pushed him a step further: 'but there's a come-back, of course.'

Her eye-brows shot sky-wards: 'oh?'

Hye-jae:  Book 2 - New LovesWhere stories live. Discover now