Beautiful Life Part 4

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It was during her late afternoon stroll in the park, that Hye-won really allowed herself to begin to puzzle through her feelings about Seon-jae's waking dream from the night before.  It makes perfect sense that he would dream of our love-making - it is so powerful and memorable.  I'm sure that I have dreamed of it too, though I don't remember.  It was this last thought that occupied her mind, as she made her way towards the high-backed metal seats where she normally took a brief rest to breathe in the scents of the flower borders and enjoy the calls and laughs of the children in the near-by playground.  This spot was her favourite in the park and always reminded her of what she thought of as her coming out to Seon-jae - the moments when, in telling him of the traumatic assault she had suffered in her twenties and the fall-out from that, she had revealed her deepest self to him and he showed, again, in his response and care for her, that his character was strong and true.  

As she pondered her feelings, her phone rang and, on answering, she found that Ciara was suggesting that they meet in the artists' collective for, what Ciara called, fivesies - 'you know, like elevensies but different.'

Hye-won laughed at Ciara's quirky take on the word - she just always sees the funny side - and agreed to meet her around 5, giving Hye-won time to walk home, collect her bicycle and pedal to town.  

As she walked briskly back towards the flat, she rang Seon-jae, knowing that he would be alone in the rehearsal rooms - classes finished for the summer break - and a ringing phone would not be too much of a disturbance.  He answered immediately: 'hello love - you must be psychic.  I just took my phone out to write you a sweet nothing.  This is much better though.  How's my gorgeous woman?  Are you out and about?'

This sweetness - does he even know how it melts me?

'Your woman - gorgeous is debatable - is fine and yes, I'm in the park though walking back now.'

She went on to tell him about Ciara's invitation and then it occurred to her that as both of them would be in town, they could meet later to eat together.  

'I'd love that and it would save you buying heavy groceries and hauling them back to the flat like you do every day - I don't approve, by the way, no matter how many times you tell me that carrying heavy grocery bags is toning your arms.  I've been up close and personal with your arms and believe me, they don't need toning.  Anyway, I can mentally see that your eyes are rolling in your head,' he paused and Hye-won laughed in acknowledgement of him having hit the nail on the head, which made him laugh too, 'so I'll shut up and let you get on to see Ciara.  I can't wait to see you,' he paused again, then added in the tiniest of whispers, 'soul-mate,' before making a barely audible, kissing noise into the phone and hanging up.

Hye-won literally stopped dead on the footpath and stared at the phone in her hand, as though it were the offending item, rather than the person - brat - who had just been on the other end of the call.  I'll bet he is delighted with himself now.  She almost called him back to protest but held herself back.  For now.


Meeting Ciara at the studio was great fun, though it was only 2 days since they had met at the flat to rehearse

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Meeting Ciara at the studio was great fun, though it was only 2 days since they had met at the flat to rehearse.  They always had so much to chat over and inevitably, they always seemed to end up laughing.  A lot.  They bought coffees and were curled up on a small sofa covered in an enormous hand-knit blanket - which Ciara told her was the result of months of collective knitting right there in the cafe - when Tini joined them for a chat.  It was clear to Hye-won that Ciara and Tini had a past though they were obviously just firm friends now and clearly enjoyed each other's company very much.  Hye-won was praising the blanket, as she thoughtfully ran her hands over the different sections with contrasting stitches and colours - obviously created by different knitters - and the 3 were chatting about how the internet was changing everyone's idea of what art was or could be, who could create it, who should consume it or even, where it could take place but the chat kept breaking down into anecdotes and jokes - some from Ciara but a lot also from Tini - whose serious appearance and dead-pan delivery belied a wickedly subversive sense of humour that Hye-won found hilarious.  

It was well after 6 when Hye-won's phone rang and she was wiping away tears of laughter at Tini's description of a comical difference of opinion between her and her new girlfriend.  She smiled apologetically at the 2, as she stepped away from the table to answer the call from Seon-jae.  

'What's so funny?'

She turned her head and saw his unmistakeable face and tall form across the cafe floor - phone to his ear - the beam of his smile, a siren-call.

'Walk over to me but stay on the phone.  I want to admire you and whisper in your ear at the same time.'

She felt self-conscious but complied, a half-embarrassed smile on her face.

'Slowly...let me enjoy this beautiful moment...with my soul-mate.'

Her smile showed that she was touched and amused in equal parts but as she came closer, something about the expression playing around his mouth made her catch herself and consider his mood more carefully.  He's upset about something...but hiding it.  She stopped just in front of him and took stock for a moment - carefully reading his eyes, his mouth, his body posture - before she spoke, to the phone and to him.

'Somebody's said something...about me...that you feel is disrespectful...and you are worried that I will hear it back and be upset...and it's upset you.'

His total shock at her almost demonic powers of deduction would have been comical if it weren't obvious that he was emotional and trying to hold himself in check.  

'How, in God's name, do you know that?'

'Ok, I'll tell you, if you tell me.  But perhaps, we should just say hello first?'  

She indicated the 2 women sitting behind her with a small movement of the head and he smiled his agreement apologetically, 'of course.'

They sat for a few minutes and chatted companionably but knowing Seon-jae's mindset spurred Hye-won to wind up the chat quickly and soon the couple had said their goodbyes and left the studio.

Hye-jae:  Book 2 - New LovesWhere stories live. Discover now