New Loves Part 60

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The big surprise of the evening was that In-seo and Dieter undertook to cook the evening meal together and shooshed everyone out of the kitchen.  Ciara said she had calls to make and headed to her bedroom but not before she suggested to the couple that they might enjoy an evening stroll: 'there's no ocean swell on this beach so it's probably Sligo's most peaceful one and just 5 steps down from the lawn - can you resist?'

They couldn't and left with a sense of eagerness to spend time alone, in this place of natural beauty.

The ocean was far in the distance and the exposed sand-banks stretched in rippling, golden expanse.  The sun was already low over the water and the sky was luminous, with shades of orange and yellow, run through with blues and lilacs, reflected in the pools of water settled in the ridges underfoot.   The breeze sent peaceful whispers past them and sea-birds whistled and chirruped, in their last rush of evening energy.

Holding hands, the 2 strolled in easy silence, both conscious that the day had been momentous and letting their thoughts sift, sharing at their own pace.  Hye-won, musingly, gave a little laugh and Seon-jae flicked his head to the side to question her train of thought: 'I'm just remembering your intense interest in the shape of Maeve's Mountain...and then walking to lay your hand on the mound.'

She continued to smile to herself and then looked to him.  Such a cheeky smirk, this boy.

Seon-jae's eyes were alive with fun: 'what can I say - I have an eye for detail?'

They both chuckled: 'especially certain details, it seems.'

They strolled on, loving having the enormous expanse of beach all to themselves, until Hye-won enthused: 'can you believe this place?  We have been in cities and towns for so long, love, I nearly forgot how incredible it feels to just be under the open sky with the breeze in your face and no-one around.'

'Well, no-one bar me, of course, you mean?'

She squeezed his upper arm as she laid her head against him: 'of course, no-one bar you, silly,' then almost to herself, 'there is no-one bar you.'

He squeezed her hand in his: 'nor you, love.'

Some moments later, she exclaimed: 'the Faerie Glen is so perfect for us, isn't it?'

He nodded: 'it's gorgeous.  It was an inspired choice of Ciara's...,' he paused, '...though what she said seemed kind of true.'

Hye-won looked enquiringly and he answered: 'that rather than us picking The Glen, it picked us, maybe?'

She gave a little laugh and nodded slowly, as they strolled on, then a few moments later: 'just to stand in such a place together with our friends and pledge to love and care for each other will be so beautiful, though,' she paused, then went on, 'I've just thought,' she laid a hand gently on her tummy, 'our friends will share our joy in that but maybe they should share it in this little one too?'

He nodded, then they both realised what was in each other's mind and which Hye-won voiced: 'how and when should we tell them?'

He looked at her and neither had a clue.


Returning to the cottage, there was a strong scent of cooking spices and a definite buzz in the air, with Ciara going in and out to the outdoor area - setting the table - while music featuring Irish fiddles, pipes and drums played in the background.  Hye-won felt a swirl of nausea and whispered to Seon-jae that she was popping to the bathroom.  Closing the door behind her, she thought for a moment - baby, is that you?  She settled on a small stool under the open window and closed her eyes - breathing in and out slowly - and felt the nausea fade away.  She opened the door of the bathroom to return to the others but the strong smells brought the bitter bile rising in her throat and she hastily closed the door again.  Aish - damn - what do I do now?

Hye-jae:  Book 2 - New LovesWhere stories live. Discover now