New Adventures Part 20

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Dieter whispered something to In-seo - who nodded - and entered the pub, returning while balancing a tray on which rested a bottle of champagne and 5 flutes.  When Hye-won worried aloud about the cost, he waved her away and wouldn't entertain the idea.  He seemed to enjoy uncorking the bottle noisily and pouring with aplomb.  I've always wondered why people do this for occasions but it gives a focus, I suppose.  Certainly, Dieter seemed to rise to his perceived role as host after that and was dedicatedly ensuring that Seon-jae's glass never dropped too low, though he graciously accepted Hye-won's abstemiousness, which meant that her glass stayed three-quarters full and he by-passed her a number of times.

Seon-jae looked happy enough to launch into orbit and he smiled so broadly that Hye-won's heart was full to over-flowing, as she watched him.  The others all drank freely too and the laughing around the table got steadily rowdier.  It wasn't long before the bottle was drained and all the company, bar Hye-won, were good-humouredly tipsy as they weaved their way with other late night revellers across the cobble-stones to find their hotel, where goodnights were woozily heart-felt.  

In the room, Seon-jae threw his jacket and shoes to one side and sank onto the bed, looking as though he might sleep immediately and then she heard: 'aish - damn - this is all wrong.'

She sat beside him where he was flounced on the bed, his eyes closed: 'what's all wrong?' then guessing, 'you going to sleep?'

He nodded slowly, a little pout for answer.  You are such a cutie right now.  

'Love, we have a life-time of nights,' which brought a chuckle and a sweet smile to his face and then she couldn't resist teasing: 'and mornings...and afternoons...and Sundays...and birthdays.'  

Her words were bringing tiny moans of agony and she relented: 'honey, I'm just teasing you.  Sleep.'

He dragged an eye open and found her hand beside him to hold: 'you need to sleep too, love.'

'Yes, and I will - yaksog - promise - but first I'll just take off this dress.'

This brought a deeper groan and she regretted saying it, though perhaps, he wasn't so far gone as she thought: 'well, I'm going to sleep dreaming of our unbelievable kiss one,' as he chuckled to himself and settled himself comfortably into the pillow, a smile of recollection on his face.

'You do that love, I'll be here when you wake up ok?  Ssh,' and she leaned and kissed his forehead - knowing that this reminded him of his mum kissing him to sleep - and he gave a little moue at the feelings this roused in him before his features relaxed into sleep.  Hye-won covered him and, after another silent kiss to the forehead, sat and contemplated his divine resting features, while musing over the evening, not quite sure whether she hadn't perhaps imagined such a fantastical series of events.


A hot breath and a tongue curling its way along the rim of her ear

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A hot breath and a tongue curling its way along the rim of her ear.


Her sibilant whisper in response.

Hye-jae:  Book 2 - New LovesWhere stories live. Discover now