New Adventures Part 15

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When Hye-won stirred next morning, the room was so dim, she thought it might still be night but a quick squint towards her phone showed her that it was after 8am.  How can it be so dark?  She heard the sound of the shower and moments later - when the water was cut - turned her head towards the bathroom door, as it opened.  Seon-jae - naked apart from a toothbrush -  was checking to see if she had woken yet and when he saw that she had, his toothpaste-smile was wide.  She returned his grin with a saucy look, which raked him from head to toe.  He leaned nonchalantly against the door-jam and crossed his ankles - continuing to brush steadily - while eyeing her response to his naked re-creation of the propped pose in the art studio that had driven her so crazy.

'What - no pink cap, Seon-jae?  What a disappointment,' while her enormous grin and shining eyes told him that not one tiny piece of him was such for her.  He lolled some more - thoroughly enjoying her, enjoying him - until toothpaste began to drip down his chin and he had to reluctantly retreat.  

Hye-won stretched her arms above her head in a drawn-out yawn and made no move to leave the toasty warmth of the comfy, white hotel bed.  For some reason, I sleep so well in hotel beds - why is that?  It was only moments later that Seon-jae came bounding from the bathroom and, to loud protests that he was still wet - though he wasn't - and cold - though he definitely wasn't - proceeded to burrow back under the covers, happily invading every bit of the peaceful space that moments before, she had been so thankful for.  The exuberance of a puppy this morning. She loved it really and grabbed him roughly around the shoulders and tussled him, so that he rolled onto his back while she rolled on top of him, which brought a hugely dramatic moan of pleasure.

'Ooh, that's more than I was hoping for but take me, my lady, I'm yours.'

He spread-eagled arms and legs as proof.  Hye-won chortled you brat and reached to pin either arm with hers and do the same with her legs.  This didn't quite work out the way she had planned though, as it meant that she was now pinning Seon-jae with body, as well as limbs, and the smile that bloomed on his face showed how much to his liking this was.  

'Baby, now you're talking,' he huffed, only half-mockingly and - allowing her to continue to pin him - he reached his mouth upwards and slowly covered her lips with his, in what began as a good morning kiss but quickly mutated to a kiss of a very different flavour that couldn't seem to end.


When they did leave the room, it was for breakfast and coffee

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When they did leave the room, it was for breakfast and coffee.  Hye-won, in particular, was famished and polished off more food in one sitting than she would have eaten in 2 days, a few years before.  When she sat back replete - having lifted her coffee cup and swigged deeply - Seon-jae took a moment to take in the bloom on the cheeks, the sparkling eyes, the shining hair and he slowly shook his head with a wry smile, as if to say - God help me, you're gorgeous.  She saw his look and silently mimed lining up and firing an arrow at his heart in reply - what can I say?  You are the fool who fell in love with me.  Seon-jae moaned and began to slide downwards off his chair, laughing, 'too...cruel...,' at the exact moment that Ciara came by the table.

Hye-jae:  Book 2 - New LovesWhere stories live. Discover now