Happy Days Part 44

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When he reached the bed, he seemed reluctant to set her down, so perfectly did she fit in his arms.  He remained standing, relishing the sense of power that holding her in his arms gave him and his eyes were on fire to see the deep arousal that his words had brought her.  Her lips were slightly parted and she sucked both her lips in turn - top, then bottom.  He leaned to taste those delectable lips too - top, then bottom - and it was an elixir that he could never imagine getting enough of, not in 10 life-times with this gorgeous woman.  He played with her, nipping, licking, sucking,  breathing in her air and giving her his.  He moaned in her mouth and it settled deep in her pelvis and every part of her ached for him.  He kissed her so sexily that she would have gladly done or said anything for him to both never stop kissing her and to immediately stop kissing her and throw her on the bed and make passionate love to her and she honestly couldn't have said which one she wanted more.

'I love how you look right now, my love, that look of love in your eyes is...so hot.  You look so turned on for me...so...so crazy sexy.'

Her voice was a panting whisper, as if they had run up the six flights of stairs: 'I am a bit crazy sexy right now, Seon-jaea...what you just said sent shivers through me.'

'Shivers?  Really?  What part?'  

His eyes bore into her soul.

'The part about making you a Mommy?'

She moaned, huskily, really quite beyond herself to hear him say it again.

'Seon-jaea, I'm serious, those words are too much for me.'

She begged but he didn't concede, not yet anyway.

'I'm sorry, my darling.  I'll stop...but just to check, is it the part about making you a Mommy that's upsetting you or is the word Mommy itself?  Just tell me sweetheart - which part is too much for you?'

She pouted so cute and closed her eyes, helplessly, every word setting her primal self screaming.

'Do you really want to see your woman so tortured?  Don't you think that you should have a little mercy on her, if you really do plan such a special night for us?  Because after all, if you make me a Mommy tonight, doesn't that mean that I make you a Daddy?  And maybe,' she leaned closer to those gorgeous lips and she relished knowing that she had only to move forward a centimetre and she could sink into their softness not yet, 'just maybe, that idea could make you a bit crazy too, hmm?  After all,' she was warming to her purpose now, seeing the way his eyes were beginning to swim with lust, as her words stoked a part of him that he hadn't even known existed before this week: 'is it not the sexiest thing in the world to think that you could fulfil my deepest desire and yours and make the prettiest, sweetest baby that ever was born?'

He breathed out in a ragged moan and his heart was pounding, as her whispers conjured such delicious dreams.  He imagined a little girl with the prettiest brown eyes like her Mommy and maybe, a little look of his own Mom about her too and that sent daggers of emotion to his heart, too powerful to endure, at least alone.  He placed his hand behind his sweet love's head and laid her gently across the bed and put his strong thigh across her hips, knowing that she loved the feeling this gave her of him dominating but also protecting her.  He put an elbow beside her head and propped his head to look deeply at her.  She returned his gaze.  God, I love looking at you up close, you gorgeous man.

'Can we talk about this for a second, ok?'

Her nod was patient but her eyes continued to blaze her deep arousal.

'Can I really believe that the deepest desire that I have...and the deepest desire that you have...are the same?  Could we really be that lucky?'

A universe of thoughts played across her features but she waited to hear what he would say next.

Hye-jae:  Book 2 - New LovesWhere stories live. Discover now