New Adventures Part 10

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By contrast, the opening night drinks reception - arranged by Dieter in a private room in the performers' hotel - was an elegant and restrained affair, with invited guests sipping wine, as they circulated.  The party was in full swing as they entered, hoping they would be able to follow Ciara's mantra for these events - described in the taxi on the way from the cathedral as - get in fast, get out faster - but the applause that erupted as they stepped into the room suggested otherwise.  

Though Hye-won had attended plenty of such chi-chi functions in the past, this one - where she was one of the VIPs being feted - felt quite different.  Perhaps due to a natural subsidence of mood after the extreme highs of the concert -  or even just due to some tiredness after travelling and performing - but she couldn't seem to relax.  As Dieter introduced various individuals to her - politicians, figures in the business world, some big names in music promotion - she found that the skills that she had built over many years in the world of corporate arts promotion seemed to have deserted her.  She was glazing over on names and functions, though her polite attention and pretty smiles seemed to be sufficiently masking her malaise well enough.

Or so she thought, until Seon-jae moved his mouth close to her ear and murmured: 'love, are you unwell?  You don't look...quite yourself.'

Though she smiled gently to reassure him, they had no further chance of conversation, as Dieter dinged his ring against the edge of his glass and called for the congregation's attention.  His speech was a revelation - this quiet-spoken man really did seem to have the gift of the gab for such events.  He spoke of his appreciation of the support of the patrons for this long-standing, summer concert series, the genesis of the current series as a celebration of music across ages and borders and of the immense pleasure that everyone, including himself, had experienced at the opening concert.  He praised In-seo's well-known and long-loved talents, which drew wide-ranging applause and many glasses raised in In-seo's direction.  He described the symbiotic relationship of Ciara's glorious voice and Hye-won's exquisite playing as giving rise to a rare and beautiful blended sound and calls of - c'est vrai - it's true - were heard around the room.  Speaking of Seon-jae, Dieter recapped his introduction in the cathedral, in so many words - that each person in attendance would treasure that first time that they heard the genius of Lee Seon-jae.  Dieter probably had many other clever and witty things to say but the outburst of applause for Seon-jae, even in this refined setting, made any additional comments, superfluous.  Seon-jae nodded formally and smiled genially.  Dieter concluded by encouraging the patrons to enjoy their night and all seemed quite happy to do so.

The 4 performers were flattered and happy to receive such approbation and chatting comfortably, when Ciara spied the entrance of her invited guests - her Brussels-based friends and the group of mutual friends that they had brought with them - and turned to the others, directing her comments to Hye-won, primarily.

'Hye-won, thank you again, that was so much fun tonight.  Though actually, you look a bit peaky.  Maybe it's time to call it a night, hmm?'

Hye-won assured her that she was just tired and urged her to go and enjoy her friends' company and, with a quick murmur to Seon-jae, Ciara scurried to join her extended group of friends in a squealingly-joyful reunion.  

In-seo had been looking at Hye-won with concern in his eyes since before Dieter had begun to speak and he now moved to stand a little closer to her.  When he turned his warm gaze upon her, she could see his concern quite clearly.  He smiled and leaned towards her: 'Hye-won, there really is no need for you to stay here any longer.  You know as well as I do, that once the organiser has spoken his few, well-chosen words, the guests concentrate on networking with other guests and the performers can - and usually do - slip away unnoticed. Why don't you and Seon-jae just slip away now?  I know quite a few people here and will happily stay for a while and Ciara looks to be in full flight,' looking to where the Irish singer was standing in the centre of her guests, telling an obviously dramatic story that had everyone in noisy laughter, 'so basically,' he leaned even closer, speaking in a cloak-and-dagger conspiratorial under-tone, 'we've got your back.'

Hye-jae:  Book 2 - New LovesWhere stories live. Discover now