New Loves Part 58

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Ciara took great pleasure in showing off the house and the common refrain was how much larger it was inside, than they had expected.  There was a fresh, country feel which was immediately welcoming and they all loved the big, homely kitchen, with doors leading onto an outdoor, paved patio with a bricked fire area - for, as Ciara told them: 'cooking outdoors, or just for night-time fires, on chilly autumn evenings - and believe me, it gets chilly in Ireland in the evenings.'  

While the others were admiring the stunning views of the beach from the terrace, Ciara's eyes twinkled as she turned to Hye-won and Seon-jae and whispered: 'come with me.'  

She almost tip-toed with excitement, down a long corridor, away from the main living areas and opened a door at the end with aplomb: 'taa-daa!'  

Gingerly, the 2 stepped forward, not sure what to expect but the bedroom that greeted them was beyond beautiful.  All-white and enormous, with a huge sleigh bed and wood panelling above and below, the room would not have looked out of place in a magazine spread but what was most astounding was the wood-burning stove, already lit and exuding a comfort that was partly due to the welcome warmth but mainly due to the feeling of coziness that it gave.

Neither Seon-jae nor Hye-won could really believe their eyes and their open-mouthed expressions were more than enough reward for Ciara's efforts.  

'This room was the main reason I contacted my friends to ask about this house - if this isn't a wedding suite, I have no idea what is.'

Hye-won spluttered and could hardly think of what she could say that would be adequate thanks, and impulsively, threw her arms around her friend's neck and squeezed her half-to-death - and Ciara squeezed her right back.  When Hye-won drew back, she had tears sparkling on the edges of her lashes: 'thank you, you wonderful, clever friend. If you had asked me to describe my perfect bedroom, I think this would have had to be it.'  

Seon-jae continued to look around in wonder - a great big grin on his face - as his eye rested on the fairy-tale bed.

'Happy, handsome?' Ciara teased and he nodded so vigorously that, first the women, and then he himself, creased up at his glee.

When they all re-grouped in the kitchen, it was an all-hands-on-deck few minutes and soon they were sitting at the large, outdoor table, tucking into a simple but hearty lunch of fresh bread, cheeses, hams and chutneys that had been stocked in the fridge and cupboards.  Ciara had indeed followed through on the hunt for the promised wines and everyone - bar Hye-won - took a tipple, with a great sense of what a treat it was to have a drink in the middle of the day, just because it was their holiday.  Seon-jae leaned to Hye-won: 'you sure you don't mind, love?  I'm sure a sip wouldn't...'

She didn't even let him finish, shaking her head and smiling.  Very quietly, she answered: 'it's not that I am stopping myself, love, I just don't have the taste for it.  And even if I did, not for a second could I make myself - there's a little brain growing in here at the moment, you know.'

Seon-jae looked amazed and she had a thought: 'actually, you know what we need...'

She didn't get any further with that thought, as Ciara called everyone's attention.  

'Ok, you guys, here's the - spiel - story.  Sligo has pretty much everything - stunning scenery, ancient myths and legends, ridiculous numbers of ruins, relics, remnants and remains of ancient times, seas and beaches, a thriving music scene...oh, and of course, we just happen to have been the favourite place of Ireland's favourite poet - you know - WB Yeats, the one whose funeral was in the Pepper Canister? What a co-incidence, that was.  Actually, my friend Mary - who owns this house - is a member of the local Yeats appreciation society and she made me promise to bring you to the Yeats exhibition in town.  I know that we will be playing 1 concert, though, believe me, the location is so fabulous, it will feel like a treat but apart from that, the main thing is that this week should be about chilling out - we have been flying around Europe like busy bees - which has been great fun - but it's time to take a breath,' she looked to Dieter and he nodded.  

Hye-jae:  Book 2 - New LovesWhere stories live. Discover now