New Loves Part 62

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She teased: 'so did you say that everyone has left the house to see some waterfall and some lake?'

He huffed: 'that's what I said,' and he rolled his hips upwards against her, with such a gleeful, filthy expression, she had to laugh.

'And won't be back for...?'

'Oh, not for hours.  Ciara said that after,' she nodded and mocked him, speaking with him,'some waterfall and some lake,' he grinned, 'she would take them to some holy well and maybe...what was it...some big rocks in a field?'

He was playing it up now for her benefit and it worked, drawing peals of laughter.

'Those rocks are probably thousands of years old and deeply significant, Lee Seon-jae.  Who are you to come to this magical place and dismiss its secret treasures?'

She couldn't have been more provocative if she had tried and he chuckled and rolled her over, trapping her under him: 'what magical place and secret treasures am I dismissing?  I think I'm worshipping both right now,' and he undulated powerfully against her and dropped his shameless eyes to her breasts, though still he teased her, making her wait.  She wanted him so much and she rocked her pelvis up against his and his eye-brows flicked up and down quickly.  Do that again.  That was very sexy.  He lifted her hair to expose her long neck and ear and dropped his head to breathe hot, tantalising whispers against her skin and - as he knew it would - it drove her wild.

'Honey, you're killing me.  Kiss me.'

She took a breath and he lifted his head to connect with her hot eyes.

'Your Goddess wants the Goddess kiss again.'

He was so aroused by that but still had control enough to tease her: 'oh, does she?'

He moved his mouth to nibble along her ear and speak in the low, sexy murmur that he knew she loved: 'I might consider it...if you tell me why you liked the Goddess kiss so much?'

He didn't let up - not for a second - his throaty urgings having her thighs squirming under his and he loved to feel that and wanted more than anything to have her squirm even more.  

'Wait a minute...while you are thinking about that kiss,  that super hot kiss  I was listening to something earlier while you were in the bathroom and I know you will love it...wait a minute.'

With a quick peck to her cheek, he placed her comfortably on the pillows.  You cute boy, you steal my soul every time you do something like that.  He stood by the bed to re-play the tune a second time, watching her reaction carefully, from his standing position.  The piano intro caught her attention - as he knew it would - and then the velvet tones of the soloist - humming deep in her throat - were smoothly seductive and her eyes told him, she loved what she was hearing.  As they listened to the singer tell of an ache in her heart in long, trembling, vibrato-filled notes, the air between them charged more.  He felt it and it moved him and he wanted to move her.  Her mouth fell open, as he slowly glided his hand across his chest, then his trunk, his tongue rolling seductively across his lips.  He trailed his hand down over his abs and then - with magnetic slowness - down over his pelvis, just as the soloist gave the full trembling effect to the word achingHot - this man is so hot.

Her breath was coming in heavier, open-mouthed pants as she watched, completely under the spell of his beauty - as he was now, lewdly feeling and fondling himself, knowing she would be utterly seduced by such sights - as he had been earlier, the transcendental beauty of a sun-dappled angel awaiting her awakening - the gentle soul who had quietly carried her, wrapped in a blanket, to bed, the night before.  Beautiful, inside and out.  He reached to flick open the top button of his jeans, then the next, then the next, all the way, until his jeans were fully open, showing his black boxer shorts beneath, the waist band running snugly around his lean, strong waist.  

Hye-jae:  Book 2 - New LovesWhere stories live. Discover now