New Lives Part 48

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Slowly, they calmed and she leaned her head back to look up at him: 'Sabine says it's confirmed but she offered to see me again this morning and I think that's a good idea, don't you?'

He nodded vigorously.

'So, my love, you were right...your eyes and your hands knew before I did - clever boy.'

That brought the laugh she was hoping for and she decided to go all-in.

'So that means you were right twice.'

He looked like he didn't follow.

'You were right that I am pregnant.  But you were also right about when I got pregnant.'

He stared, with enormous eyes.

'About 8 weeks she said, but to be confirmed on our visit.'

He laughed out loud.

'8 weeks, that's amazing.'

She could see the weeks ticking back in his head:

'Wait, that was...'

She laughed too.

'Yes, that was probably the first weekend we were together, maybe the first day in the flat - remember, we cried - just like now - and then somehow...on the rug...'

He grinned so slyly, she bit her lip watching him: 'there's no somehow about it, you begged me, something like - Seon-jaea, I want you.  I really want you right now - as I remember it, ow...ow...ok, you didn't beg me, you seduced me, is that better?'

Obviously not, to judge by the renewed attacks but he was as giddy as a spring lamb and her pinches just made him laugh even more and she couldn't be cross with him, not even for a second.

'Of course, it could have been our magical night under the stars in the Black Forest.'

She put her head to the side with a little smile, as the image of Seon-jae - god among the stars - appeared before her.

He laughed so excitedly, she couldn't help but join him: 'or the next morning, disturbing the birds maybe.'

'Or any one of the many, many other times that first week but somewhere, along the way, Mommy and Daddy really did make a baby and now our little Hye-jae is here, with us.'

She reached down and patted her lower tummy then and seemed to lose her train of thought.  He studied her - lashes sweeping her cheeks, long hair tumbling forward, hand seeming to draw comfort from its place on her tummy - and she had never seemed more beautiful or Goddess-like, than in that moment.  A lump formed in his throat and the giddiness of a moment before was banished, as he felt a deep contentment that he never remembered feeling in his life.  The magical words that she had just spoken and the way she looked now filled him with joy and in an awestruck voice: 'I didn't know it was possible to be this happy.'

She gazed at him and quietly answered: 'nor I,' and leaned to take the kiss that he was about to give her when they were interrupted.  It was so sweet and gentle to begin with, both their spirits comforted in the knowledge that they were each other's refuge, that everything one felt, the other shared, most especially in this mystical moment.  She slipped her arms around his waist and wrapped them around his back, joining them behind him and the cinching circle around his waist was so reassuring, he gave a little moan of pleasure and his kiss deepened, his mouth opening wider and his breath coming in heavier pants.  He tasted her lips and remembered how rosy pink and juicy they had looked that morning and he became even more agitated.  This morning, when we still weren't sure but we just knew.  He saw her again - fast asleep - with the obvious bloom of pregnancy on her features and the memory electrified him in the kiss and he gave a deep moan that couldn't be held in and reached to swing Hye-won into his arms, then looked at her like he would literally devour her whole for breakfast.

Hye-jae:  Book 2 - New LovesWhere stories live. Discover now