Happy Days Part 38

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Slowly, slowly, the soundscape in the room distilled back to the essentials of settling breaths and sighs, like a raging storm blowing itself to a gentle zephyr.  Resting still within his love, Seon-jae lightly laid his cheek upon her chest, the inexpressible softness there drawing a deep sigh from him.  Hye-won, dreamily, placed her hands upon his head and he felt the comfort caress his spirit.  He swallowed as his feelings welled up in him again.  Can this be real?

Hye-won felt an intense, physical satisfaction in this continued connection to Seon-jae, inside and out, as though he had given her his essence - everything of himself - and this physical intimacy was the perfect prolongation of that.  She couldn't honestly have described her feelings in those moments, the depths of emotion that flowed through her, too strong to process.  This can't be real.  

The cheeky rays of morning sunlight peeked a little more insistently at the intertwined lovers but the 2 had slipped away to dreamland and were blissfully unaware that a new day dawned.


When Seon-jae broke the surface again, his first conscious awareness settled on the heart-beat that ticked below his cheek

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When Seon-jae broke the surface again, his first conscious awareness settled on the heart-beat that ticked below his cheek.  He lay in utter relaxation, just listening to the strong, vital rhythm and his thoughts flowed back over the extraordinary night. 

Partly dis-believing his own memories, he placed himself back in the taxi and felt again some of the emotional rawness that had been his response to Hye-won telling him - you are an artist.  He saw her lusty expression as she stepped backwards, his tie in her outstretched hand and her lecherous looks up at him, as she gave him such unforgettable pleasure.  He closed his eyes again, as the memory brought after-shocks racing through him.  He felt again her warm hand on his forehead and heard her voice in his ear as she led him back to Poland and he experienced again the intense stimulation of those wild moments. How can she have such a devastating effect on me?

But now his memories became more chaotic, as the remembered scenes stirred him even more.  He heard his soul-mate describe the depths of her feelings for him - you are my everything - and breathe her most primal desires - I want you to be a Daddy, come, leave yourself in me.  He could feel his heart begin to pound again with the thrill of their union as she panted - I want this with every part of me.  The phrase make a baby danced in the air, like a sprite playing with him, teasing him with possibilities, his logical brain questioning but his physical self urging him to believe.  Why not?  

He flicked his eyes upwards towards his precious love and saw that she was fully asleep and relaxed, curled around his body.  The sight of her steady, soundless breathing filled him with peace and he wouldn't have disturbed her for anything in the world.  As silently as light, he slipped to the side, for a moment feeling guilty that Hye-won was sleeping in her clothes, before he remembered with a dirty grin that her own impulsiveness was as much to blame for that, as anything.  Bad girl was definitely in control last night, thank Goddess for her.  

Hye-jae:  Book 2 - New LovesWhere stories live. Discover now