New Loves Part 57

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A text first thing from Ciara -

hey girl - any chance of a quick chat with u 2 before breakfast?  I could come by your room - that's if you get decent, of course.

Hye-won popped her head around the propped bathroom door to see Seon-jae towelling off after his shower: 'lover, you'd better hurry and cover up that sexy body.  Ciara is on her way up and she might never recover if she were to see you, as you are now.'  And I'm only partly joking.

His hugely amused chuckle, as he flashed his tongue along his top teeth, made her heart skip and she took a moment to appreciate the stark beauty of his still wet and gleaming shape and that devilish smile.  She smiled, shaking her head slowly, her own smile having a similar effect on him and the moment of mutual admiration stretched out, until another text pinged on the phone in Hye-won's hand, as though Ciara had spies in the room - 

I mean it u 2 - I'm on my way - get some clothes on.


'So what do you think?'

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'So what do you think?'

Ciara had just laid out a detailed plan to the 2 and both Hye-won and Seon-jae looked slightly shell-shocked.  They looked to each other as they thought through what Ciara had described.  Hye-won spoke first: 'honestly, I can't believe that you were able to plan so much in such a short space of time.'

Seon-jae just nodded, then asked: 'and you are sure that Dieter is in on all this?'

'He sure is.  Hye-won, remember our chat in Torun when I said that I would talk to Dieter - well, as soon as I got a free minute later that day, I told him what I was hoping for and he has been amazing.  Really, I think if he landed on the moon, Dieter would find that he knew someone there with musical connections.'

They all laughed and then Ciara stood: 'right, so are you sure?  Tell me honestly.  If it's not what you want, we will change the plans and find something else that you prefer.'

Hye-won shook her head: 'no, Ciara, it sounds...,' she looked to Seon-jae and he nodded happily: 'actually, kind of perfect, to be honest.  Let's do all of that, just like you said.'

Ciara clapped her hands in glee and gave a loud whoop: 'yeyy!  Sligo, here we come!' and she left them to make some calls, with a promise to chat at breakfast.

As soon as the door closed, Seon-jae turned to Hye-won and only half-jokingly asked: 'right, where are we going again?' and she giggled: 'Sligo - wherever that is,' and they both laughed.



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Hye-jae:  Book 2 - New LovesWhere stories live. Discover now