New Adventures Part 16

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As they walked through the foyer,  Hye-won's eye was drawn to a wall-mounted screen on which was playing a commercial video, advertising the in-house gym, spa and pool facilities, which gave her a thought.  In the lift, she turned to Seon-jae: 'do you know what?  You haven't once gone to the gym or kick-boxing club since I arrived in Germany, though you said that you used to go all the time before I came.'

Seon-jae's shame-faced expression was an immediate give-away: 'omo - oh my - wait - am I wrong?'

She spluttered with laughter, more at his patent guilt, than her own mis-guided assertion: 'Lee Seon-jae, what have you not been telling me?'

She advanced melodramatically on him and he backed laughingly into the corner of the lift, holding both hand-rails at 90 degree angles to his body, as though he needed to hold himself up, in the face of her overt aggression.

'It's not that I hid it - as such - but especially in the last few weeks, I was trying to give you as much peace to practise as possible...'

His grin told her that he was not averse to her advancing as close as she liked just as the lift stopped and a couple entered with a tiny poodle, whose yapping needs had to be petted and spoiled noisily by the owners making any further conversation impossible, though Hye-won's flinty look would have had lesser men trembling.  Just wait, Lee Seon-jae.


Back in the hotel room, Hye-won swivelled on one foot and - hand on hip - stood waiting for an explanation

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Back in the hotel room, Hye-won swivelled on one foot and - hand on hip - stood waiting for an explanation.  I really don't mind but this is too good to let go.  Seon-jae immediately took the abject apology route, as his best - and possibly only - means of survival.  

'Honestly love, I wasn't hiding it - it was just part of my...routine - before you arrived - to use free time between lectures and practices to use the gym, so I just didn't change that.  Anyway,' and he tried an arch smile, in the face of her impervious air, 'exercise is important for health, right, and you said that you like, right?'  And these days, I need plenty of energy.

His hopeful look and excuses were really too cute to withstand, though Hye-won's countenance wasn't outwardly softened: 'ok, but if that's the case, we need to make sure that you find the time to keep up that routine, even now that we are away from the university.  There's a gym in the hotel.  Why not take some time now and check it out?'

Seon-jae began to demur but one look warned him off: 'well, I suppose I could and it would probably be a good idea to let you have some time to relax, maybe take a bath, have a sleep?'

Hey, this works both ways.  Hye-won's response left him standing: 'no, no need to worry about me.  I have a routine of my own.'

A quick rummage in a drawer, followed by a short stay in the bathroom, then the door opened and for one brief moment, she mimicked Seon-jae's pose from earlier - leaning against the door-jam, crossing her feet at the ankles - the difference being that his altogetherness was swopped for the sporty black and lime-green 2-piece bikini that she had bought but not yet worn which looked like it was made for her athletic figure.  Seon-jae's shocked appreciation was short-lived, as she brought that delectable figure close enough to pop a kiss to the end of his nose: 'I'm heading for a swim. Enjoy yourself and see you back here afterwards,' as - shrugging on a summer dress - she walked to the room door, which snicked decisively in her wake.

Hye-jae:  Book 2 - New LovesWhere stories live. Discover now