Happy Days Part 21

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Swooned in extreme relaxation, Hye-won had the sensation that she was more comfortable, than if she were deeply asleep. She felt that she had never been so relaxed before, certainly not if this languid lethargy and deep-seated sense of ease were the measure. Nothing impinged itself on her conscious mind, as though the physical peace was a boon to her mental state also. She didn't have the wherewithal to move, so it was Seon-jae who eventually rolled towards her, kissed the closest part of her to him - her shoulder - and then propped his head on an elbow, the better to see her.

She looks totally swooned and no wonder.


He enunciated the word with explosive power, to express his wonderment, then again: 'wow!'

She could manage no more than a wry smile, still not a muscle moving.  

'You look...perfect totally relaxed.'

Again a side-smile, this time accompanied by a flickering dip of her eye-lids: 'you look...adorably cute like that...which is hard to process, considering...'

He grinned - a lopsided flash of teeth that was a heart-stealer - and it prompted her honesty: 'I have never felt anything like that,' a mewl in the back of her throat, as she recalled the sensations, 'thank you, my darling man.'

Another winsome smile, before the tip of his tongue peeped to the edge of his mouth.  

'Want to tell me about it?  I know what I saw and heard...and felt,' a sucking in of his cheeks and a lustful glaze crossed his eyes, 'but what about how you felt?  I'd love to know...if you like,' his desirous look shifting with the addition of his incongruously shy after-thought.

She began to speak slowly, thinking it through as she progressed. 

'So, the...first time,' she paused and he cheekily smirked, 'yes?'

'Well, it was...amazing, really...shockingly powerful...achingly sexy.'


'No, there's no but.  I just felt...I knew...there was...more...inside me, needing to be released.  It's hard to explain how I knew that, I just felt it and knew it.'

'So that explains the stay.'

She glanced at him again with a wink of embarrassment and he gave a low growl, before leaning to kiss her shoulder again: 'don't you dare look shy now - that was a stand-out moment in my life and you are not allowed to be shy about it.'

She thought about that seriously and then nodded: 'ok, that explains the stay.'

'And then?' he prompted again, a more tender than teasing tone this time. 

'Then...then it was like everything just got really slow, like time didn't exist.'  

Her voice was gaining energy as she recovered a little: 'you know how sometimes...with us...together...it's so hot, so wild, so...mind-blowing.'

His smile flashed sex appeal: 'I have some idea...'

Her answering grin and slight shake of the head told me - you really are a brat: 'well, this...was nothing like that.'

He was really interested now and leaned a little closer, so he could read her expression in the darkened room.

'Instead of hot and wild, it was beautiful and spiritual...still mind-blowing though.'

His non-plussed expression showed that she hadn't quite succeeded in explaining and she tried again.

'Ok, let me try to show you.'

Hye-jae:  Book 2 - New LovesWhere stories live. Discover now