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Kim household was extremely busy today unlike other days. Kim Jihyun was making sure every corner of her mansion was spotless and tidy. She would then go to kitchen to guide cooks on what to make and how much certain ingredients should be added so that the food will be exactly like the taste his son loved.

She was passing through the hallway when her sight fell on the huge picture secured in a delicate wooden frame. A beautiful smile adorned her lips as she looked at the picture of her perfect family. Her loving husband Kim Seonho, her naughty little boy Kim Jungkook who was literally her life and her pride and elder son Kim Taehyung. Jungkook was having a grumpy face and holding her arm while taehyung was teasing him.

 She remembered that day but it wasn't same now after taehyung decided to leave for the states. He has been residing there for almost two years and was returning just now when he was informed how Seonho suddenly had an angina attack. Jihyun literally begged him to return to them and he decided to pack his whole setup there and to come back home. 

She moved away and got busied in decorating her house. Seonho was sitting in the living room reading a newspaper when his wife approached him.

"Did you called Kookie, why he isn't back yet. I clearly told him to come back early today" jihyun wasn't pleased with Jungkook's irresponsible behavior. 

"He'll come back don't worry " seonho said extending his hand towards his wife who gladly took it and sat beside him.

"Did you take your medicine?" jihyun asked and seonho nodded. 

"Yes mam I took them already" Jihyun smiled at him.

"I'm so happy today finally Tae will be back with us and we'll live together just like before." Jihyun said smiling widely and seonho smiled at his beautiful wife. 

"Yes we'll live together again" seonho pecked her forehead.

"Get a room guys" a deep voice said and jihyun jumped up from the couch and rushed towards the source of voice.

"My baby you're back" Jihyun said tears threatening to fall from her eyes

"Yes mom I'm back" taehyung kissed her forehead. Jihyun wasn't breaking the hug and was silently crying.

 Seeing her son after so long was a trial for her. She didn't knew why Taehyung suddenly decided to leave but it made her really sad and she would cry herself to sleep while missing her elder son. 

"Okay now it's my turn lady" Seonho said and jihyun parted from the hug.

"Welcome back Taehyung" Seonho said proudly and they both hugged. Taehyung's eyes roamed around the big house which was still the same as two years ago. His house where he spent all his life and had thousands of bittersweet memories. His gaze stopped at his father. 

"Dad how are you?" Taehyung asked.He looked weak. Taehyung felt a knot in his throat. He should have been here to look after them.

  Seonho gave him a reassuring smile and placed his hand on his shoulder. "I'm fine. Now that you're here, everything will be fine" seonho and taehyung nodded.

"Everything will be fine, I promise" Taehyung whispered

"Okay now end with your conversation. Taehyung are you hungry? I prepared your favorite dishes" jihyun asked and taehyung nodded.

"I'm really hungry" taehyung said rubbing his belly and all of them moved towards dining room. They all ate together while chatting and laughing. 

"I'll go take a shower" 

"Okay then come back down I'll prepare tea for you" Jihyun said and he nodded. Taehyung excused himself and went to his room. It was still the same as he left it. The only thing that was changed were curtains and bed sheets . He looked around for a few minutes relishing the old memories. He opened his walk in closet and pulled out grey sweat shirt and trousers. He took a warm shower. When he got out of the bath room he saw his mobile shining. He picked up the call.

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