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No proofread. I was tired but wanted to update. I hope you'll like it ❤

Jungkook was 11 years old when he came to know that Kim Taehyung was adopted. His mother and aunt had a huge fight and he was standing there, sobbing silently. His aunt was openly throwing mean words at him and his mom heard it. They both argued loudly Jungkook was on the verge of fainting and his breathe was shortening.

His dad and Taehyung came too and they tried to stop the two ladies. Finally she left after and then Taehyung, with teary eyes told him that he was adopted. Jungkook hugged him nonetheless trying to console him when his own tears were flowing down his cheeks.

The family soon forgot everything and continued normally. His aunt had stopped visiting them for a while and he was admitted to a well renowned school. He didn't made any friends in the first two years of his school was cold to everyone but then he met a group of three friends Jimin, Hoseok and Namjoon and they offered to be a part of their group. He made friends with them. All of them came from famous rich families of the country.

Over the years the family noticed that jungkook had lessened talking. He mostly stayed silent and only talked when necessary. They thought it was because he is an introvert so maybe he didn't liked talking much.

Jungkook preferred to stay silent and observe more than talking all the time. He didn't even talked to his friends that much. It was just as he made them to walk silently along with them occasionally saying a thing or two during their lunch break. But their group of friends was famous throughout the school along with two or three more groups of jocks and bully.

Taehyung had completed his studies and was now helping their father with business. Their parents were so proud of him, even more than jungkook as he liked to think this way. He had all the abilities to be a great and successful businessman.

When he turned 18 their parents gifted him his own Mercedes. Jungkook wanted to have a car too but he was refused as he was still a minor far from being an adult. He pouted and sulked all day but he was brought a new bicycle instead.

The new term had just started and there were new students for new sessions and as always the ragging and bullying of juniors had started. But since all the students were rich and from well off families the ragging was reduced only to the poor students who were admitted on scholarships and some nerds. 

Among the new students there was Choi Soobin, an extremely intelligent and beautiful 15 year old a few months younger than jungkook. He got fully funded scholarship because of his excellent grades and intelligence. He was offered a dorm by the school and he left his town to come study in Seoul.But unfortunately the famous group of bullies came to know about the sweet boy and decided to make him their prey for fun.  

They had found him when he was looking for his classes with his schedule for the day in his hand. 

"Hey you come here and introduce yourself to your seniors" Bogum on of the basket ball players and vice captain of the team said. 

"Hello my name is Choi Soobin I'm from busan" he said bowing a little, confused as to why they were surrounding him.

"Such a cheap name" another boy said and soobin was surprised at the rude remarks.

"E-Excuse me?" he asked confused

"Shut up and put your shoes on your hands and take three rounds of the ground" Bogum said smirking and soobin didn't like them.

"I'm sorry but i have classes. He wanted to leave but he was surrounded by more bullies.

"Got some balls for a cheapster like you." doyoung said pushing his shoulder.

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