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Jungkook hummed a random melody as he was getting ready for shopping with his friends. His birthday is tomorrow and he wanted to buy a few things. He got ready and sprayed some perfume on his jacket.

He turned around to leave but was met with taehyung leaning at his doorframe.

"You look happy" taehyung asked approaching him.

"Because I am happy" jungkook said with a smile.

"Something must have shifted in the universe to make Kim Jungkook happy." taehyung teased and Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"I'm happy most of the times okay" he said picking up his mobile from the bedside table.

Taehyung just hummed admiring the younger in his dark fit.

"You know you can try pastel colors too. They'll look good on you" taehyung suggested.

"Do you like them?" Jungkook asked

"Yeah I like them plus you'll look pretty in them. You know change is better sometimes" Jungkook nodded in response.

"My friends are here, I have to leave" jungkook put his mobile inside the pocket of his jacket after typing a small reply.

"Get back home early" taehyung said.

"okay" jungkook leaned forward and kissed taehyung's cheek. The elder was surprised at the action but a smile immediately took over his face.

He cupped younger's face and pecked his nose.

"I'll wait for you" taehyung bid him goodbye. The younger left with his friends. 


Jungkook was currently on a shopping spree with his friends. After that they went to a restaurant to eat something. They all were laughing among themselves while waiting for the orders to be served.

"Jungkookie bought a lot of dresses today and to be honest I'm surprised" Jin said and jimin agreed.

"hyung me too, it looks like we are with some one else, I have been going out on shopping with him from the past 5 years and never once he bought anything that isn't a shade of black."

Jungkook was sitting there silently enjoying his coffee while the other's were discussing their shopping. 

" I'm wearing patel color on my birthday this year" he shrugged and everyone looked at him strangely.

" Are you feeling well? should we call Mr. Kim?" Mingyu said with a fake worried face while other's laughed. Jungkook punched his chest lightly in response.


"Oh my God Yeonjo" they heard someone shouting from a little distance. Jungkook's attention was diverted towards familiar name. He turned a little and saw yeonjo sitting there with her friends, two tables away but her friends were literally shouting and jungkook could hear them clearly. His friends were back to talking among themselves and were now teasing Jin. 

Jungkook was still paying attention to the group of yeonjo and her friends. 

"Don't tell me it's happening" One of them said excitedly. Jungkook looked at yeonjo and she was looking quite happy. 

I thought they were about to break up?  

Yeonjo nodded in response with a big smile. Jungkook was confused. She doesn't look like she were on bad terms with her partner. Her smile never leaving her lips even for a mini second.

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