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Please stream butter on Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube, Shazam it. Buy it on ITunes, Amazon and Butter website. Encourage your co-armys to stream as well. We have goals to achieve and we can do it for our boys.

And we did so well so far. You see how huge our spotify streams are? but fuck the green app for sabotaging us I'm so so mad, but that only encourages me to stream more. even while I was typing this chapter my playlist is playing in the background. Keep streaming. 


They reached restaurant forty minutes late. Jihyun wasn't impressed with their late arrival and she nagged them for it. Taehyung lied about traffic while winking at seonho who immediately understood they must have talked for a while. So he helped in calming his wife. After a few sorry(s) jihyun forgave them but with a warning. 

They settled on the chairs around the table of the private room where elder was already sitting. The dinner went smoothly. Taehyung and Jungkook stealing glancing from time to time with a soft smile adorning both of their faces all the time. Seonho can feel the positive change in behavior of both and he was glad that finally things were going good between them. 

Jungkook participated in talking with the elders and Jihyun was delighted too by seeing the younger's pleasant interactions. The family spent the night with huge smiles and content hearts. 

They were almost done with the dinner and Jungkook was already full so he was waiting for them to finish when his mobile vibrated. He would have ignored it if it was anyone else but the screen showed Yugyeom and he remembered not talking with the elder doctor for more than a day. He was already done with the dinner so he excused himself and moved to the open area, a little away so they can't hear him but still in sight. 

Taehyung was done too so he followed younger with his gaze. He had heard jungkook take yugyeom's name when the younger was walking away from them and attending the call. He had heard about him from Jungkook but he was still skeptical.

"Mom dad, do you know who is yugyeom?" he asked them

"Ah yes Tae, he's a really sweet boy almost your age. I have met him a few times when he'll come to pick jungkook from our home"

"Pick jungkook?" he questioned

"Yes they have grown really close and would hang out every now and then. Yugyoem is a really good boy, I can't thank him enough for taking care of Jungkook when he fainted in the middle of day in a restaurant." jihyun said.

"They are really good friends and we have met yugyeom, he's a nice guy too. Don't worry Taehyung" seonho said this time and taehyung nodded.

He saw younger who was laughing while talking on the call. He was excitedly telling him something. Taehyung averted his gaze when he saw younger approaching them again after some time.

"Shall we leave?" jungkook asked

"Yeah we are done too. You and Tae can leave. we will follow you" seonho said. Taehyung got up.

"Let's leave" 

Taehyung and Jungkook both left the place first. They got inside the car and drove away.

Jungkook was tapping his feet while humming to the song playing on the radio (Butter).  Aftter a few minutes he noticed Taehyung was awfully quiet.

"What happened. Why you aren't talking?" 

"It's nothing" elder said gently.

"I can feel it Tae. So don't lie and tell me." Taehyung sighed and parked car at the side of the road. Jungkook was confused as to what happened to elder. He was perfectly fine sometime ago.

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