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Don't forget to vote and comment it takes a lot of time to write and if you'll interact with the story it'll motivate me more♥

The sheets were crumpled, curtains draped in front of the windows in the dim lit room. Two bodies, pressed together closely with tangled legs, sleeping peacefully.

Jungkook woke up first. He admired elder's face for a while and then got on top of him, placing his head on Taehyung's chest he again fell asleep. Later when Taehyung woke up he was endeared to see the younger's angelic face on his chest. Soft puffs of air leaving the small pink lips regularly.

Taehyung woke him up after staring at him to his heart's content. They shared many pecks and kisses and after taehyung helped jungkook to his room by picking up the younger who was giggling whole time. There was some discomfort on younger's bottom region but it was bearable. Both took a shower in their respective rooms and went to the dining room for the breakfast.

Jihyun was setting up table along with maid and she smiled widely when she saw Taehyung approaching.

"Good morning mom" taehyung greeted and hugged her. Jihyun kissed his forehead and he settled on the chair.

"I made your favorite food today" Jihyun said and taehyung thanked her.

"Where is jungkook, he isn't up yet?" seonho asked

"He must be sleeping, this boy is getting irregular" jihyun said shaking her head.

"He was taking a shower_ oh here is he" taehyung said when he saw younger coming downstairs. His hair wet and styled backward, wearing maroon colored sweat pants and shirt.

"Good morning" jungkook said with a smile and sat beside his mother.

"What's in the breakfast" he asked after passing taehyung a smile who winked at him making younger blush.

"What do you want to eat?" taehyung asked, putting chicken and mushroom's omelet on his plate. Jungkook looked at the contents of the table but then pouted.

"I want cheese omelet" he said seeing his favorite dish missing.

"you can have mine" taehyung offered. Seonho was eating while jihyun was listening to the two while pouring herself juice.

"No I want cheese omelet" jungkook whined.

"Jungkook there are so many dishes on the table why do you want to have the one missing" jihyun nagged which only made the pout bigger on younger's face.

"But I want cheese-

"Enough jungkook. Eat something else today" jihyun said and started her breakfast. Meanwhile jungkook was looking at his mother with a surprised face. She never refused to make his favorite foods.

"I don't want to eat" he mumbled and jihyun placed the fork she was holding back in her plate.

"You will not go anywhere without eating" she said sternly and jungkook not used to her strict behavior decided to get up.

"Stop being a brat and get back here" jihyun almost yelled while trying to keep her calm.

"Easy everyone, Jungkook get back here" seonho intervened and called younger back softly. Taehyung also got up from his seat and went to the younger.

"It's okay mom dad, I'll make him omelet. You two continue please" taehyung said.

"What about your breakfast. Do it first" jihyun said but taehyung told her that it was fine and he'll do it after making younger his omelet. He held jungkook's hand and moved to the kitchen, while the younger had an angry pout on his face.

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