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Jungkook 5 year old , Taehyung 12 year old

Jungkook was sleeping peacefully in his mother's embrace. Who was smiling down on him and caressing his hair. He slept a few minutes ago after crying and having a coughing fit. Last year they found that their youngest son has asthma. Although not serious but it'll aggravate whenever he'll cry resulting in shortness of breath. He was going through treatment and had to regularly use inhalers and oxygen masks to make him feel better. 

The Kim couple was extremely worried but they eventually learned how to deal with it and take care of their little. Now they were extra careful not to make him cry. Leading them to pamper him more than it was necessary. Fulfilling his every wish so that he won't cry or much worse faint due to his medical problems. 

Taehyung went to a prestigious middle school while Jungkook was home schooled and they planned on sending him to elementary school once he turned 7. Taehyung was doing exceptional in school with his grades always being A grade. Meanwhile Jungkook was a slow learner in studies. He was extremely smart and active in other playful activities and learning new things but when it came to studies it was a big no. However, the couple wasn't worried as he was just a child and he had a lot of time to learn. They didn't pressure him for good grades or anything only subtly making him aware of the importance of studies.

The concerning thing was he was being too fretful. Always crying and fighting with his toys and as usual Jihyun was worried about littlest things concerning Jungkook. 

"Witch bad witch"" he shouted at his new maid as their previous maid got married and had to leave. Jihyun as well as Taehyung gasped at his disrespect.

"Jungkook you can't speak to her like that. She's older and you must respect her" His mother nagged but he didn't budged still. Swatting her hands away whenever she'll try to come near. 

"No! she's bad. Make her go away" he yelled and taehyung sighed. He had an exam in two days and he was trying to study which was impossible in younger's presence so he just silently gathered his books and notes and went to his room.

"Jungkook enough" Jihyun said sternly slightly shaking his fragile frame.

"Stop being a brat. Now listen to Cady and go to your room and change your clothes. Your father is coming and he wouldn't want to see you in your dirty clothes."  Jihyun said tired of Jungkook always throwing a tantrum and disrespecting his nanny.

"Everyone's meanie and bad" he cried and went to his room. Cady bowing and following after the 5 year old

Meanwhile Taehyung was in his room when he heard hushed noises from the room in front. 

" You're such a brat. No wonder you always get yelled at. Not even your parents like you" the nanny said as she forcefully held younger's arm who was thrashing around.

"Leave me you're bad, meanie" jungkook said with teary eyes.

""Shut up will you. You're such a headache just change your damn clothes and make it easy for me for once" she said throwing his clothes on the bed.

"No!" younger said running towards the door but was stopped by the middle aged woman. 

"You won't stop being a devil then your deserve it" she slapped his back which made him to cry even more and at that moment the door of the room burst open with a mad Taehyung glaring at the female who gulped.

"Master Taehyung do you need_ 

"Shut up!" he pulled jungkook out of his hold and hugged him. The younger sobbing silently in his chest.

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