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And here we are with the last chapter of this book. Enjoy

Jungkook was snoring softly under the blankets in his dim lit room. Two feet gently approached him and ruffled his fluffy hair.

“Jungkookie wake up” jungkook whined in return.

“It’s morning and you need to eat something come on you didn’t ate anything last night too” jaesook said gently, with a fond smile on his face.

“No I don’t wanna get up” jungkook replied with his morning voice and natural lisp.
“But you have to get up now come on wake up” jaesook drew back the curtains from the window making the light flood into room. Jungkook sat up on the bed with half lidded eyes and bed hair.

“Good boy now wash up and join me downstairs” jaesook left his room.

Jungkook stayed on the bed for a few minutes getting used to his surroundings and huffed once he realized why he’s sleeping at his father’s house.

“Asshole” he mumbled and got up. He washed up and brushed his teeth and wore  macthing sweat shirt and pants.

“What does he even think of himself” jungkook said combing his hair

“I’m never going back to him” he sprayed perfume and went downstairs.

“Good morni-   his words died on his tongue when he looked at the living room.

It was full of purple balloons and decorations. There were baskets of chocolates and his favorite snacks everywhere. Artificial flowers spread on couch and tables.

A beautiful smile took over his face as he stepped off of last stair and moved into living room.
“Dad” he called out but jaesook didn’t replied.

“Tae_ he gasped when two arms back hugged him.

“Good morning the love of my life” taehyung whispered in his ear. Jungkook smiled brightly.
“I’m sorry for my behavior yesterday” Taehyung kissed his temple and turned him around.
“I love you so much I’ll never ignore you ever again I promise” taehyung kissed his lips.

Jungkook held his nape and kissed him back, smiling at him. He broke the kiss and looked at elder lovingly.

“I love you” jungkook kissed taehyung again who held his waist strongly and pulled him even closer.

Jaesook was looking at his watch meanwhile Seonho and Jihyun were standing beside him.

“It’s been 10 minutes already when will they stop eating each other and eat something for real” he sighed. Seonho tried to contain his laugh meanwhile jihyun glared at them both.

“Let them be for some time” she said.

“I’m hungry they can continue this later” jaesook said and knocked at the door.

“Okay boys time’s up now come to the dining room to eat something hurry up” jaesook said clapping his hands.

Jungkook and Taehyung broke the kiss and smiled embarrassedly at them.

“You go ahead we are coming” taehyung said. The elder three nodded and left. Taehyung pulled jungkook in his chest and sighed.
“I couldn’t sleep whole night because I hurt you and I thought I’ll go out of my mind if I didn’t kissed you for another hour.” Taehyung said caressing his back with his palm.

“I was mad at you and I’m forgiving you just because you brought me snacks.” Jungkook mumbled in his chest hugging him tightly.

“Thank you for forgiving me baby” taehyung said with a smile. Jungkook broke the hug and moved towards dozens of baskets of snacks.

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