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Hi everyone. I hope y'all are good. I'm sorry for late updates. I'm taking my on campus classes from 8am to 3pm and then I have started a part time job. It's getting difficult to get time to write. I'm in my senior semesters.
I'll try to update every sunday. I don't like it when I leave y'all waiting.
Thank you so much for giving me love. I'm grateful ♡

I hope you'll enjoy the update. It's  not what I wanted it to be but I'll try to write better in future updates.


Jihyun advised maid to clean kitchen while she herself went to Taehyung’s room to check if it needed cleaning. The room was all clean except for some washed clothes that were to be put in the closet. She picked them up and went to put clothes in closet.  She was perfecting the rows of clothes. When she reached the last rack. She felt something fall to the ground and when jihyun looked down it was a diary. It fell out of the closet when she was pulling sheets out. She was about to put it back but more pictures fell out of it. It was their family pictures, most of them were Jungkook’s.  Jihyun smiled at the cute pictures of her younger son.
“Tae made a scrap book?” she wondered. She opened it and the bookmark opened the last written page. It wasn’t a scrap book instead it was a memory dairy. She felt bad for opening it and closed it but her sight fell to the last line of the page.
Some words were smudged, like water drops fell on them scattering the ink.
“I feel so alone that it had physically started to hurt. Why I have to live without him…” Jihyun was confused to read the words.

Who wrote them? Well it wasn’t a surprise because she knew it was taehyung’s writing. Her heart clenched thinking about something hurting her son. She knew it wasn’t very nice to further go through the diary but she couldn’t stop the anxiety in her heart. She moved to the first page and there was a date mentioned on it. She knew this date very well.
Jungkook’s birthday and the day taehyung suddenly left for states without informing anyone.
What she read next made her lightheaded. All the days taehyung had spent in the US alone, hurting and that too unwillingly?

By the time she was done, her eyes were bloodshot and face red. She wiped the tears from her eyes and moved downstairs with the diary still in her hands.
She saw Jungkook coming downstairs and anger took over her.

“W-What” Jungkook stammered.
“Tell me truthfully and what is this?” Jihyun raised a diary in her hand.

“I-I don’t know mom” jungkook was genuinely confused and worried. Why his mother was crying and why she looked angry.
“How could you do this Jungkook” jihyun was crying. Jungkook stepped forward and cupped her face.

“No don’t cry mom. Please don’t cry” he doesn’t know what is happening but his own eyes started to sting seeing his mother cry. But he was shocked when Jihyun slapped his hands away.

“It was you who sent him away” she yelled and Jungkook sucked in a breath.


“Don’t call me that” jungkook was taken aback. She never yelled at him except a few times which he can easily count on the fingers of his one hand.

“All the time we have to spend here crying, missing taehyung not knowing that he was even more hurt than us and alone. Just because of your selfishness. Just because he loved you and had to pay a price, by fulfilling your reckless demands.” Jihyun glared at jungkook who was at loss words and doesn’t know what to say.

“I-I am s-sorry” jungkook said choking on his own words.

“And you think that will fix everything? You have hurt all of us Jungkook. Don’t you have any empathy for us? I was crying here and you were enjoying your time because your wish was granted right?” 

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