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It's been a long time since the last update. Hehehehe First I had exams and then I was just lazy. But here you go. I hope you'll like the chapter and also I wrote a new book the prologue is out and I'll update first chapter tomorrow it's almost complete. Don't forget to comment and vote ♡
Taehyung got out of the younger’s room once he was sure he is asleep soundly. Jaesook was sitting in the living room, lost in his own thoughts.
“What are you thinking?” taehyung asked sitting in front of elder.
“Nothing just worried about jungkook” he sighed.
“He’s fine. I guess the maids don’t know he’s allergic to peanuts.” Taehyung said and jaesook nodded.
“I don’t think it’s safe for him to live here. I barely know anything about his health condition and things he’s allergic to” jaesook said sadly.

“It’s not your fault, don’t blame yourself.” Taehyung said.
“I have a solution” taehyung said after a pause. Jaesook looked up at him.
“What is it?”
“Move in with us” taehyung looked at elder with hopeful eyes.
“What?” jaesook was shocked to hear his suggestion?

“Yeah mom and dad don’t have any problem I talked to them as long Jungkook is with all of us it’s fine. Jungkook doesn’t want to leave you alone.” Jaesook was silent for a while.

“I don’t know taehyung it’s a big decision.” 
“It’s okay you can think about it and take your time. Just don’t worry about anything else. Nobody have a problem with you living with us.”
“I’m not sure Taehyung. I can’t burden you and your family with my presence” jaesook said.
“I understand your concern.” Taehyung said.
“You can take jungkook with you it’s not like we live far away. We can meet whenever he wants, plus who wants tons of old people in their house all the time. You are welcome to stay here with jungkookie any day.” Taehyung smiled at jaesook.
“I understand.”
“You want coffee?” jaesook asked.
“Yeah sure” taehyung replied and jaesook nodded.

Jungkook and taehyung were back in their house. Jaesook told him that he’s fine and that he don’t have to worry about him.
“We can meet everyday baby you just have to say it.” Jaesook hugged him.
“You can come with us please dad” jungkook said with pleading eyes.
“I can’t do that Guk, try to understand me” jungkook nodded at him.
“But please take care of yourself.”
“I will”.
After a week jaesook revealed that he was dating a woman. She was almost jaesook’s age and ran a cafe in Seoul. Jungkook was happy to hear the news. He kept bugging jaesook to let him meet her and he elder agreed although he was embarrassed but when he saw Jungkook being so happy and supportive all his worries vanished. He was ecstatic to know that jungkook supported his relationship with yerin.

First they met at a dinner at jaesook’s house. Jungkook was so excited taehyung also joined them. Yerin was so sweet and gently. She immediately fell for jungkook. Jungkook gifted her bracelet because it was his first time meeting her she was so touched that the gesture brought tears in her eyes. She hugged and thanked him for accepting her. They would meet every now and then and were getting closer. Jungkook was sure they would marry in a few months.

Jungkook was watching a random show on television in the living room. Nobody was home and he was waiting for taehyung to arrive home from office. Not after too long he heard footsteps approaching him. He turned around and smiled widely seeing taehyung there.

“Welcome home” jungkook said extending his arms, taehyung engulfed him in a hug and hummed.
“Are you tired?” he asked. Taehyung nodded in his neck.
“Are you hungry?” jungkook asked.
“No I ate with my employees today that’s why I’m late.” Jungkook hummed. Then wash up and we can cuddle.
“Brilliant idea let’s go” taehyung picked him up. Jungkook squeaked when he was held up.
“Where are you taking me?” he whined
“To wash up baby”
“No put me down I don’t want to”
“Come on please for me I promise I’ll make you feel good” taehyung said cheekily, jungkook grumbled at him.
“You always get your ways” he huffed.
“Look who is saying” taehyung put him down on the bed. He unbuttoned his shirt and removed it. He helped jungkook remove his sweater.
“What did you do today?” taehyung asked.
“I went to university and then went to shopping with jimin and then we ate. I was waiting for you” Taehyung listened to him attentively while helping him out of his pants.
“I missed you so much” taehyung kissed his lips. Jungkook smiled and kissed back. I missed you too.”
“Let’s take a warm shower” taehyung picked him again and went to the shower area. Jungkook giggled at elder and kissed his neck.
“I love you so much”
“I love you too baby”

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