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Taehyung was looking at the familiar looking man with cold eyes. He wasn't expecting to meet Jaesook here out of all places. He had to put up a facade as he was with his business partner and he don't want to have any unpleasant situation right now. 

"Hello Kim Taehyung" Jaesook said extending his arm. Taehyung shook their hand and gave a fabricated smile.

"Hello Mr. Jaesook"

"Hyung I told you about my new business partner. It's him. He extremely talented and exceptional" minho added.

"I have heard about Kims and they are really something "  Jaesook looked at taehyung who was already glaring at him neither breaking eye contact. 

"Excuse me I'll be right back" minho strolled towards his other guests.

"Long time no see Taehyung" jaesook smirked taking a sip of his drink.

"Isn't it good that we don't see each other Mr. Jaesook" taehyung said curtly. 

"Calm down son why are you getting worked up" the elder chuckled, taehyung scoffed at him and turned to leave.

"Your parents have something that belongs to me and I'll make sure to get it back" taehyung stopped in his tracks and turned around. 

"There is nothing that belongs to you Jaesook, I don't know what you are talking about" taehyung rolled his eyes and left the older man. He saw his father and mother taking at one table and moved towards them.

"Hey beautiful people" He hugged his mom and greeted.

"Tae where were you" Jihyun asked him as soon he came. 

"I was dealing with some guests mom. Anyways tell me did you liked it here" he asked them and both nodded.

"It's great Taehyung. we are proud of you" Seonho said but his smile faltered soon.

"Did you saw him?" he asked and taehyung nodded.

"I didn't knew he would be here, I'm sorry mom dad"

"No it's not your fault and there is nothing to feel bad about. We are good" seonho said and jihyun smiled at him.

"Don't worry tae, we are fine" she rubbed his arm. 

"I'm going to look for kookie and see what he's doing." Before taehyung can move away he was again met by the person he had grown to dislike.

"Hello Seonho and Jihyun sii" they all recognized the voice. Seonho held taehyung's arm to stop him from lashing out.

"What do you want Jaesook?" seonho started

"You know it very well" the other said with a hint of anger in his voice.

"No we don't know what you're talking about" the other retorted.

"Seonho I can destroy your whole family and business don't provoke me and just fucking tell me where is_

"I would like to see you try Jaesook. You know you can't do anything. You have been trying since years and what harm could you inflict upon my business" seonho questioned with an amused look.

"Nothing! you can do nothing so just leave. Nobody wants you here"

"Seonho" jaesook gritted his teeth. Before he can say anything else a presence stopped him.

"Mom can we leave it's too boring here and I want to sleep" Jungkook whined approaching his mother and then hugging her out of nowhere. Jihyun smiled at her younger one and rubbed his back. 

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