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Hello Beautiful readers. I apologise for not updating last week. It was Eid plus i had an assignment to submit today and my gums are hurting badly and I just took medicine. I'll have to remove it soon or else I'll keep aching 😥

Thank you for waiting. Eid Mubarak to all those celebrating 💜

Taehyung turned around to look at younger with a neutral expression.

"Why you are sorry?" taehyung folded his arms over his chest.

Jungkook was looking perturbed and confused, his hands interlacing with each and twisting his own finger, taehyung noticed his movements.

"Speak jungkook why you are sorry?" taehyung asked again.

"For wanting to send you away and acting impulsively without hearing your side" jungkook lowered his head. Taehyung took slow steps towards him and reached the edge of the bed. Jungkook was still looking downward.

"Why did you called me to come back, I know it wasn't just because of dad" the elder asked. Jungkook took a little pause and then spoke up.

"I met yeonjo in a mall and she told me" he mumbled

"Told you what?" taehyung furrowed his brows.

"That you two aren't getting married and I misunderstood the situation"

"You thought we were getting married?" taehyung was utterly shocked. He knew jungkook was mad over him and yeonjo but didn't know the younger was thinking something like this. Jungkook nodded his head. He looked up at taehyung. His was face like he'll cry at any moment.

"Even after I promised you, how could you believe that and you didn't even tried to clear things and put forth your wish knowing very well I would never say no to you on your birthday" taehyung wasn't yelling or shouting. He just talked but still it had jungkook scared and fidgeting.

"I-I was sad and a-angry. I'm sorry"

"and you decided to punish_" taehyung's was getting frustrated. He settled in front of jungkook

"both of us?"

"And I am sorry for that" jungkook had now tears streaming down his face. He was looking like a kicked puppy. Taehyung just wanted to hug and kiss his tears away. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. He sat there in silence looking at younger who was sniffing and weeping.

"Stop crying" he said with a calm voice and gently wiped his tears.

"Get some rest" taehyung stood up to leave.

"Where are you going?" jungkook asked worriedly

"My room. I don't want to talk right now. I'm afraid I'll say something mean" taehyung moved towards the door.

"You won't leave right?" jungkook asked impatiently

'Unless you want me to" taehyung said curtly and left the room.

Jungkook was left in his room sobbing.


Jihyun was smiling widely while she served her family breakfast.  Taehyung and seonho were present on the table, jungkook joined them a few minutes later. He greeted them and sat beside jihyun. 

Seonho was observing the younger closely. He saw younger's confused face and then soon noticed his swollen eyes. He looked at taehyung who was quietly eating. They all continued their breakfast with small talks in between.

"All of you men get ready tonight by 8PM we are going out for a dinner together" Jihyun informed and they all nodded silently. 

When seonho was done he wiped his face and stood up from his chair.

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