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Taehyung and Jungkook were seated inside elder's car. silence engulfing the two. Taehyung drove them to a secluded peaceful place on top of the city which gave whole view of the city with lights from buildings  shining like stars in the night. 'Sweet Night" was playing on the radio of the car both were silent looking ahead.

"Jungkook" Taehyung said when the silence stretched for a little too long. On the other hand Jungkook was sulking not responding taehyung.

"At least reply to hyung" taehyung took his hand in his own trying to turn him towards himself.

"No" came a stubborn reply.

"How would I know if you won't tell me?" Taehyung questioned again,

"If I'm not answering then does it mean I'm doing drugs" Jungkook finally looked at him, Glared to be precise.

"I didn't said that" Taehyung sighed.

"Then why would you ask my friends if I was influenced badly or what not" he scoffed.

"Because I'm worried okay. Even mom and dad are worried so we need to know what you are upto" Taehyung cupped his face.

"You don't have to worry about me and my par--  our parents" Jungkook looked at taehyung for a moment immediately averting his gaze when taehyung looked into his eyes.

"I'm not doing drugs just for your information and you don't have to worry about me when you don't trust me."  he ended.

"I do trust you that's why I'm here asking you instead of making useless assumptions on my own" elder said.


"You smoke right?" Taehyung asked confidently. Jungkook became silent for sometime

He looked away.

"You can't lie when I know it's a fact" Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"You smoke Jungkook and I know it" Taehyung said sternly. Jungkook stayed silent.


"Yes I do but sometimes only" He said fiddling with his fingers. 

"You know how irresponsible you are? You shouldn't be smoking especially considering your health condition" Taehyung said sharply.

"I do it sometimes okay" Jungkook was offended but taehyung was way mad. He came to knew about Jungkook smoking when he went one day to pick him from school and saw him smoking there. Today was the perfect day to discuss it when they were already on the topic.

"I'm asking you nicely to quit it" Taehyung said.

"Or else what?" Jungkook looked into his eyes. Taehyung stopped himself from kissing his angelic face. The temptations were strong but it was not the right moment.

"Or I'll make sure you never do it" He said heatedly. Jungkook decided it was time to keep his mouth shut.

"Fine" jungkook crossed his arms over his chest looking out of the window with a pout on his face.

"Look at me" taehyung said but there was no response. 

"Okay don't blame me then" He said and strongly held him from his shoulders and pulled him on his lap. Jungkook protested at first but after a little struggle taehyung was successful in putting him on his lap. Jungkook settled on his lap still looking out with a pout. He liked sitting in his lap. He has been doing it since forever it wasn't a big deal for him anyway.

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