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Hello guys. I was very busy past week because of assignments and then it's Ramadan too and I didn't have much time to write. But here you go with an update. I hope you all will like it. Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts.


3 days before Jungkook's call to taehyung:

Seonho was sitting in his office thinking about what jungkook had told him. He was sorrowful and his heart was hurting. His two sons were fighting each other and taking reckless decisions that were hurting both of them and he never knew about anything. He was sure something was wrong from the start. He had asked taehyung a few times about the reason as to why he left and why he never came to visit them.

Taehyung loved them and he was surprised how he was able to stay away from them for almost two years and now the reason was out. Seonho was frustrated and mad at both of them for their baseless decisions only if both of them had talked. He sighed and got up from his chair but instead stumbled on his feet, his vision blurred for a moment but then again got normal. 

Luckily he was able to grab the edge of the table which prevented him from falling down. Seonho sorted things on his table and was about to leave when his mobile phone's screen turned bright.

He looked at the unknown contact and after a few seconds picked it up.

"Hello?" he questioned

"Hello Kim Seonho, Jeon Jaesook is speaking" 

'What do you want?" seonho forwned. He was the last person he would want to talk to right now.

"My son" jaesook said with a firm voice.

"What rubbish!! stop bothering my family jaesook and stay away_

"Jeon Jungkook" seonho stilled in his place. His body suddenly started to turn cold.

"W-What are talking about, he's my son Kim Jungkook" seonho tried to compose himself.

"And a DNA test will be enough to prove you wrong" jaesook chuchkled on the other side. Seonho moved to sit on the grey couch in his office.

"I'm warning you to stay away from family!"

"You kept my son away from me for years, I won't spare you" jaesook yelled on the other side

"Your son? are you sure? A monster like you is not capable of having  a family and especially not my son" Seonho spat

"we'll see about that when I'll tell jungkook who is his father and how his dear family lied to him all these years" jaesook gritted his teeth. Seonho had enough. His head was aching by now and his heartbeat had quickened.

"I'll make sure you'll never see his face again Jaesook" seonho hung up before hearing any reply. He threw his head on his grey turning white hair. He had sweat on his forehead despite the room being quite cold.

" I'll never let you take my son away" seonho said with determination but his words were sounding empty to himself. The whole sitaution with Jungkook and taehyung was already messing up his nerves.He looked at the clock and it was almost 6PM He tiredly got up from the couch. It was time to leave for home.

He knew he had to call taehyung and ask him to come back home and end this stupidity. He waved at the security guard who bowed at him and moved towards the parking. 

He suddenly felt needles pricking his chest but ignored it. A few more steps and the prickles were turning deeper and more intense, while his heart started to burn with with. 

Seonho clutched his heart with his hands but the pain wasn't subsiding. The ache in his chest increased as he felt tightness around his chest  and It's heaviness was spreading down his arms and neck. His breathing got ragged and he turned to look for anyone who can help him. His legs gave up and he kneeled on the ground, his forehead covered with droplet of sweat while his hands strongly clutching his chest. He couldn't even form any words. His vision started turning from normal to blur and blur to dark. 

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