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I know I'm late and I'm not sorry. Hehehe just Kidding. I had to make a map of my city an it takes a lot of time. I was so busy.

I hope you'll enjoy the update♡


Jungkook was sniffing lightly in elder’s arms. They were sitting on the couch now, younger clinging to Taehyung for his dear life. His tears weren’t stopping and taehyung’s eyes were moist too.

He silently wiped his tears while caressing Jungkook’s back.
Jaesook and Yugyeom left the two in living room to give them privacy and since then the two hadn’t made any effort to part away.

“I missed you so much” taehyung mumbled in his hair and left a kiss.

“I missed you too” jungkook’s muffled voice came from taehyung’s chest.

“I was so worried, I thought you wouldn’t want to see me again” Taehyung said. Jungkook stopped his sniffling and wiped his tears. Taehyung cupped his cheeks and kissed his forehead.

“I’m sorry Hyung” jungkook said looking down.

“No don’t say that baby. You have nothing to apologize for. In fact I’m sorry for not being there with you when you were hurting.” Jungkook shook his head in response.

“No. I literally took your place, when it should be you getting all the love and attention and I took that from you. I-I called you things I was never supposed to. I’m really sor_ Before Jungkook complete his sentence Taehyung kissed him on the lips.

“No baby. You never did anything wrong. Hyung always loved you and will always do. Please don’t think otherwise. We all love you because that’s what you deserve. You’re so special my love” taehyung rubbed the apple of his cheeks with his thumb.

“Please forgive mom. She’s regretting whatever she said to you. She didn’t mean any of that. She loves you so much” taehyung said but jungkook stayed silent.

“She hates me because I took you away from her” jungkook said with a small voice.

“That’s not true. She can never hate you Jungkookie. She loves you way too much. She was angry and wasn’t thinking straight and she’s been repenting ever since.” Taehyung said gently. Jungkook nodded at him.

“You will see how much she misses you. Just please forgive her” jungkook again nodded.

“My precious bun” taehyung engulfed him in a possessive hug.
“Please never leave us. You can curse us, fight us do anything but please never ever leave us. We can’t live without you my love”
“I don’t want to live without you too” Jungkook said, placing his chin on elder’s shoulder and hugging him back.

They kept hugging and pecking each other. Telling how much they missed each other. 

“Can we come in?” Jaesook knocked at the door and asked. Taehyung waited for the younger to get off of his lap but when he knew Jungkook wouldn’t want to he told them to enter.
“We should have come later” Yugyeom mumbled when he saw two of them hugging, Jungkook in elder’s lap.

“I would like to talk to you someday Mr. Yugyeom” Taehyung said coldly, Jungkook giggled.

“Hyungie don’t get mad at yugy, I told him not to tell you. Sorry jungkook said parting from the hug. Taehyung smiled at him and tucked his hair behind his ear.

“I’ll take my leave now. Good bye Guk. Good night Uncle and Taehyung sii to you too” Yugyeom said sheepishly and left. Jaesook smiled at the kind doctor who left after greetings.

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