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Jungkook woke up on a Monday and had his breakfast, he went to his college, came back ate dinner with his mom and dad and went to his room and stayed there until next morning to repeat the same routine again.

It was a similar day of repetitive tasks, he had dinner with his parents and tiredly went to his room. His house was eerily silent now a days. Nobody talked much unless it was necessary.

He slumped on his chair in the balcony of his room. His head laid back on the chair . He was having a staring contest with moon when his eyes became blurry and started their usual waterfall. Another part of his everyday routine.

His heart was heavy and his body practically aching to touch and hold a certain person. He started sobbing clutching his heart and shrinking into himself.

You must be happy now. Must have married her and living happily like you wanted to. Now you don't have to worry about my problematic ass Taehyung.

Jungkook's brain will always have a new picture of taehyung smiling widely, with his usual gorgeous smile, at yeonjo. Going on walks and long drives, tucking her hair behind her ear, buying her new clothes kissing her and showering her with love, like the lovely person he is. Too bad he wasn't jungkook's.

Jungkook went back to his room when his eyes were tired of crying and fell on his bed. He went to sleep with the constant reminder that taehyung wasn't with him and maybe he wouldn't want to see him ever again.

He hoped he won't have nightmares tonight. The nightmares where he was crying and taehyung didn't came for him, he just kept walking away and then scary monsters would come and start hitting him he could only cry.

His knight wasn't there with him anymore.


Taehyung left on Jungkook's birthday silently. Nobody knew why as they were in the hospital with jungkook who nobody knew how had a panic attack and was found unconscious in the playhouse present in the backyard of their house. His friends found him there and immediately informed the kim couple who took him to the hospital.

Nobody celebrated anything as they were dead worried as to why younger panicked on his birthday when he was perfectly fine, happy and healthy a day before.

When they returned home in the evening they couldn't find taehyung anywhere. Jihyun was on the verge of having a breakdown when she couldn't find her elder son while his younger son was just discharged from hospital wasn't talking at all.

Some of taehyung's belongings were also missing. Seonho and jihyun called him a thousand times after tucking jungkook in his bed not telling him anything about taehyung. Taehyung didn't receive their calls neither he replied to their texts or mails.

He called after a day and told them he had to leave suddenly becauseof his new project with minho and that he'll be staying and managing the US branch of the company.

Seonho was skeptical as taehyung never said a word about managing a foreign branch,  and now he was gone all of a sudden. And he lied to them saying there was an emergency.

Jihyun got angry at Taehyung and after shouting at him she hung up. She didn't talked to him for two weeks and finally broke down in tears one day when taehyung called her and she immediately picked up.

Requesting her to come back home and to leave everything. She had never been away from her children. And now taehyung's sudden departure was too much for her. Same goes for seonho but he was good at hiding his emotions.

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