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I'm obsessed with Jungkook's tiddies and look at smoll Tae in the back. I love them so much (╥﹏╥)

I wrote this update when I should have been studying for the exams so please ignore any mistakes and don't forget to vote and comment ♡

Taehyung woke up to the soft snores in the crook of his neck. Jungkook was sleeping peacefully hugging his waist. Whole night the younger was extremely clingy and taehyung loved it. The feeling of jungkook hugging him and resting his head on his chest gave him the most peaceful sleep in his life. 

Taehyung pulled away a little so now jungkook's face which was initially hidden in hi neck was on display. Taehyung cooed at the pout adorning his lips and gently squished them with his thumb and index fingers. Jungkook squirmed a little and then slowly opened his eyes. As soon as he saw taehyung's face in front of him he broke into a smile.

"Good morning angel" Taehyung said rubbing his thumb under his lower lip.

"Good morning" jungkook replied and stretched his body lightly.

"Let's get up it's time for breakfast. Mom and dad must be waiting for us" taehyung said and jungkook got up after some more cuddles and kisses. He went to his room to wash up. They both took a bath in their respective rooms and after their morning routine both went to the dining room.

The breakfast was peaceful with whole Kim family eating and talking. Jungkook was ready to leave for his university, Taehyung offered to drop him to which the younger agreed happily.

Taehyung was the one dropping him at uni and whenever he had less work at office he'll be the one bringing younger home. The things were progressing greatly between them.  They would go on dates, long drives and shopping sprees together.

Sometimes they'll try to cook dinner together with Jihyun, with lots of laughter. Seonho would be looking at them with a fond smile and content heart. That's what he ever asked for. For his family to be healthy and happy together.

Taehyung was happy seeing the younger becoming his old self, the little sassy Jungkook who would keep pouting and whining until taehyung agreed on whatever younger wanted to do. Jungkook also introduced Yugyeom to taehyung. The elder wasn't pleased with the idea but once he met the doctor his worries were cut short. Yugyeom was a really good friend and taehyung didn't felt any threat from his playful flirting with the younger.

Jungkook barely slept in his room now. Always cuddling up to the elder and sleeping in his arms. They would kiss and hug all the time but decided to take things slow for the next level of their relationship. Jungkook had showed his consent multiple times to elder who was relieved that the younger was comfortable with him but he still waited for the right moment.

Sometimes it'll become hard to control himself when he will wake up to jungkook hugging him closer and their bodies extremely close. Taehyung will have a hard time to conceal his wants.

Same goes for the younger. Just kissing taehyung wasn't enough for him. He wanted them to have experienced everything that a couple would do.

It's been a month since their cuddling and kissing sessions and both of them knew they were more than ready for the next step.


Jungkook knocked at the elder's door.

"Come in" taehyung said and jungkook entered the room.

"What are you doing" jungkook asked at a busy looking taehyung sitting on the couch, typing on the laptop. He was wearing a plain grey shirt and sweatpants. Looking handsome as always.

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