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One year since I published first chapter of "My Euphoria" and it's 5 May again. My one year anniversary as a writer so here y'all go with an update♥

Also so many of my readers are desi people and I'm so glad to know it. I'm surprised that majority is from India. For Them I want to say please take care of yourself and stay safe. You'll get out of it just fine I'll pray for your safety.
Thank you for supporting me everyone Love you all ♥
BTW I'm from Pakistan💚

Now back to the chaper please read first chapter again. I made some changes in it and changed the plot a little. This chapter is what happened in first chapter but in Jungkook's POV mostly.


Yugyeom was staring at the male in front of him, trying to suppress his smile. They were out in a cafe in the middle of Seoul. Jungkook was sitting in front of him on the other side of table.

Biting his lower lip and sometimes his nails.

"Jungkook" yugyeom called and the younger only hummed in response.

"Don't you have to go back your home?" he asked and jungkook looked up at him.

"I'm dying inside yugy, my stomach is doing these weird flips at the thought of seeing him again after so long." he threw his head in his hands.

"But we can't stay here forever, even the waiter is looking at us strangely now" he mumbled. Jungkook grumbled in response.

"Fine let's leave" he picked up his valet and mobile and the duo left the cafe.

They got inside yugyeom's car.

"should I drop you at your home?"

"No I have to get some notes from jimin. If it's fine with you can you drop me at his apartment?" jungkook asked.

"Sure" yugyeom started the car and they left for jimin's place.

Jungkook was dreading to encounter taehyung. He looked out of the window of the car, meanwhile yugyeom was aware that all of it was just an excuse to not go back home early. But he didn't pestured younger about it. He knew jungkook is already worried and confused.

They were a few meters away from jimin's apartment when yugyeom got a call from the hospital.

"what?  Yeah. Right now?.... Okay give me 20 minutes, I'll be there." he ended the call.

"What happened?" jungkook asked.

"They need me in hospital for an emergency" yugyeom informed.

"Oh you can drop me here I'll take cab"

"No it's fine jimin's house is near my hospital, I'll reach there on time don't worry" jungkook nodded at him.

Soon they were outside jimin's apartment and jungkook got out of the car.

"thank you for today doc" he said and yugyeom gave a wide smile.

"You're welcome but I'm also sorry i couldn't drop you at your place"

"it's perfectly fine you care too much" jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Just for you" yugyeom whispered but jungkook heard it anyways.

"Take care and drive safely" jungkook waved. The elder waved back and left. Jungkook took the elevator and reached jimin's apartment.

Jimin wasn't alone, almost all of his friends from college were gathered at his place. They all cheered when they saw him. Jungkook joined them too and they all started talking about random things.

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