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"Jungkookie" Taehyung called out softly after some time but got no reply. He slightly lifted his head and looked at jungkook who was sleeping soundly on his chest snoring cutely.

Taehyung just hopped the younger wouldn't be mad at him once he woke up. He kept in the same position for some time enjoying younger's warmth. After  a few minutes he gently moved on his side and laid jungkook on the couch. He placed a pillow near his chest and got up.

Taehyung picked up his ruined laptop and sighed. He'll have to get it checked and hopefully his work was saved before the device got out of order.  He placed it on his worktable and got out of the office.

He went downstairs, opened the fridge and took out whatever came in his hand. He gulped the drink and sat on the stool around the kitchen island. Ruffling his hair with his own hands.

"Hyung" Jungkook called out. Taehyung looked at him standing on the door step of kitchen.

"How could you do that to me?" he said sadly and taehyung's heart started beating rapidly.

"Jungkook baby I-I_

"No I don't wanna hear anything I kept it for later" his eyes were shining and taehyung was afraid he might start crying he took a few steps towards him and cupped his cheeks.

"Don't cry please I'm sorry I'll never do that again, I prom_

"Bring me a new one" jungkook said rubbing his eyes

"Okay I'll get- What?" taehyung looked at him confused

"My banana milk,  bring me a new one or else I'll tell mom you made me cry" jungkook poked his tongue and taehyung sighed in relief.

"Your banana milk" he mumbled looking at younger who nodded his head with a serious face glaring at him.

"Okay fine let's go and get it" Taehyung rolled his eyes and got out of the kitchen. He thought jungkook was about to cry because of the kiss but it looked like he doesn't even remember it.

"Was it that bad" he mumbled with a pout,  jungkook trailing behind him.

They both got inside taehyung's car and drove away.

"Where do you wanna buy it from"

"My favourite bakery" he chirped and taehyung nodded. Not too soon after they parked outside the bakery. Jungkook was about to get of the car but taehyung held his hand which was about to unbuckle his seatbelt.

"I'll get it"

"But I wanna go inside too"

"No you're not going inside wearing that" taehyung unbuckled his seat belt pointing towards his shorts and unlocked the door.

"wait here I'll get it" taehyung got out of the car and locked it again. Jungkook huffed folding his arms over his chest.

"What's wrong with my dress it's fine." he peeked from the wind frame and taehyung had entered the bakery.

"I wanted to buy other snacks too" he pouted throwing his head on the dash board.

A few minutes later the door of car opened and taehyung settled on the driving seat. Jungkook smiled widely seeing many bags in his hand.

"These are for me as well" he asked with puppy eyes

"Who else they could be for" taehyung pinched his nose and jungkook giggled taking some of the paper bags in his lap.

Taehyung placed rest of them in the back seat. They returned their home after buying coffee.


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