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1 week later

Taehyung had searched the entirety of Seoul in the past week but he couldn't get any trace of the younger. His heart was drowning by every passing minute imagining the worse that could happen to the younger, but then cursing himself for thinking so. He was frustrated, petrified and heartbroken. He hadn't seen the younger in a week and still there was no news about him. He prayed younger was safe with a full tummy.

He hadn't talked to Jihyun in a week. The Kim house was deserted. Nobody ate together or talked to one another anymore. It was like younger took every single little joy with him.

To say jihyun was guilty would be an understatement. Her heart dropping out of her chest every time she thought how much cruel she was to Jungkook. How she broke his little stubborn heart effortlessly. She was sure Jungkook wouldn't want to see her ever again and now she knew Taehyung hated her too. Seonho was trying his best not to be rude to her considering her health was deteriorating day by day.

Jihyun wailed in Seonho's embrace, crying how jungkook always forgets his inhaler and he left house without it. He hadn't used a single penny from his bank account that made them even more concerned as to from where younger was eating or living.

Jihyun spent all of her time in younger's room, kissing his clothes, caressing his supplies with tears. Nobody said a word to her and that was even more devastating. She wanted them to get angry at her, tell her how big of a fool she is for making her own children hate her. But there was nothing that can be done now except for praying and hoping they will find younger soon, because Jungkook won't come back unless they found him and begged him to return home.


Jungkook was lying in the huge room staring at the ceiling. He came here one week ago when his biological father literally begged him to come and stay with him as long or short he wants. Jaesook promised he would never impose anything on younger as long he gets to see him in front of his eyes. Jaesook told him everything that had happened and jungkook wanted to believe him but there was something that was stopping him. He stayed with him because he deson't know where else to go. He can't go to any of his friends because he knew taehyung will find him in no time. He couldn't stay with yugyeom as he didn't want to be a burden. So he decided to stay here to make his father happy.

He pitied the man. Jungkook had felt his soft gazes on him whenever he was in sight of the elder. Jaesook would come in his room at midnight just to see him to his heart's desire, shed a few tears and after caressing his head he would leave silently.

Jungkook knew all about it because he couldn't actually sleep. He was used to sleeping in his or taehyung's room. So when he couldn't find the familiar bed or room he couldn't sleep.
Yugyeom would visit him at jaesook's house every now and then, spending hours trying to cheer him up but nothing helped much. Jungkook had stopped smiling at all.

Jaesook has been extremely warm with him. He made sure he was comfortable all the time, but that's all he could do. He couldn't stop the yearning younger felt by staying away from his family.

Jungkook had grown visibly pale and dull. Jaesook hopped he will get better soon but he was shook to his core when one night he went to check on the younger but found him unconscious on the floor, with tear stricken face. He rushed him to the hospital where yugyeom helped younger get better.

Jaesook knew his son couldn't live away from Kim family and was only torturing himself by staying away but he was also mad at jihyun for treating jungkook so well all his life just to break him in the end.

It was two weeks later when jaesook couldn't see jungkook sobbing in his room anymore and decided to call the person who could make everything right. He was sure jungkook will get angry at him, chances were he wouldn't want to see him again but jaesook was willing to risk it all to see him smile again.

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