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"It hurts" jungkook said looking inside his eyes.

"What hurts you tell me I'll make it go away" taehyung caressed his cheeks.

"Here" he pointed towards his heart.

"Why are you dating her? Do you really like her that much."

"Jungkookie please let's not talk about it" taehyung sighed

"Am I not good enough for you" he mumbled.

"You're more than good. It's on me"

"Then why you can't like me?" jungkook stared in elder's eyes.

Taehyung smiled at him and cupped his face.

"I can't like you because I love you with all my heart" jungkook was just looking at him with pink cheeks and droopy eyes.

"I promise I'll make everything right, I just don't want him near you" taehyung pecked his forehead. Jungkook couldn't understand what elder was saying.

"I want to sleep" he mumbled and taehyung nodded and started car.

"I'll take you home" taehyung said driving through the road.

"Just wait a little Jungkookie"


They reached their house and taehyung told jungkook to stay silent. The younger placed his finger on his lips immediately. Taehyung coed internally and helped him out of the car.

Jungkook was still drunk and stumbling on his steps. So taehyung picked him up in his arms and they went inside. Taehyung hoped they won't be caught by their parents especially their mom or else Jungkook is in trouble.

He silently crossed living area and moved towards the stairs to get to their rooms. He hadn't stepped on the first step when Seonho called him.

"Taehyung!" he said sternly and taehyung bit his lip nervously.

"hey dad, how are you" he asked turning around with a smile like nothing happened balancing jungkook carefully in his arms.

"Where were both of you?" he quirked a brow.

"Oh we were just having dinner and then went for a long drive and then kookie got tired and slept in car I'm gonna lay him in his bed"

"Why were you two at the police station" seonho asked with a stern voice.

"Dad calm down it's nothing"

"I already talked to the lawyer Taehyung" taehyung looked away. They were caught or more likely he was caught because jungkook was sleeping peacefully.

"Go to your room and we'll talk about it in the morning" seonho said and taehyung nodded

"Good night" he mumbled and went upstairs.

" You're grounded for real" taehyung said to the sleeping beauty.

He entered jungkook's room but then said "fuck it" and moved towards his own. He laid him on his bed and removed his shoes and clothes.

He dressed him in a comfy shirt not touching his boxers at all, otherwise younger will kill him in the morning.

He cleaned his face with wet wipes and got changed his own clothes.

He laid beside younger under the sheets hugging him close to his body. Jungkook responded in sleep by burying his face in his chest, his arm around elders waist. Taehyung smiled and pecked his hair whispering sweet words to the younger who was in deep sleep.

Little Monster_TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now