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Jimin finished his juice when he heard rushed footsteps coming inside.

He got out of kitchen and saw a panicked Taehyung approachjng him.

"Where is he?" taehyung asked hurriedly.

"What's your deal Kim, why don't you just leave him alone"

"This is not the time jimin, tell me how is he. He didn't bring his inhaler with him where is he" taehyung said looking around frantically.

"I got him, he's fine and sleeping" jimin took pity on the man who looked like he'll cry any minute. Taehyung visibly relaxed at his words.

"Can I see him?" taehyung said and jimin nodded hesitantly.

"Just don't wake him" the elder nodded and jimin lead the way towards his room.

Taehyung opened the door slowly and fot inside.

"I'll bring you something" jimin mumbled and left him.

Taehyung entered the room and sighed in relief when he saw jungkook was fine. He neared him and sat on the edge of the bed. Jungkook was in deep sleep. Taehyung gently managed his long hair. moving it out of his forehead. He placed a kiss on his forehead and kept staring at his face.

"You're gorgeous and perfect Jungkook, how someone can't love you. You may be rude to others but you're my precious. I love you with all your flaws. Just wait a little bit. We'll get out of it"  taehyung whispered.

He was admiring his face when the door of the room opened and jimin gestured him to come outside.

Taehyung got out of the room and closed the door until it clicked.

"Here" jimin handed him a glass of juice and taehyung drank it without a word. His throat  actually got dry when he heard younger had his asthma attack.

"Thank you for taking care of him" taehyung said leaning against the door.

"Pfft I didn't took care of him for you. I did it for my best friend and because i actually love him unlike someone." taehyung stayed silent.

"I know why you're doing this Taehyung" Jimin said, his voice laced with seriousness. Taehyung looked up at him.

"What do you know? "

"You don't want to anger Mr and Mrs. Kim. You're afraid they'll kick you out of their home and property, once they found out you're seeing their son." jimin grimaced.

"You're a coward" jimin said. Taehyung stayed silent looking at him blankly.

"Who told you to use your brain to the point you hurt it" taehyung said annoyed by younger's ridiculous assumptions.

"Excuse me you're the one with deranged brain cells" jimin was offended but taehyung wasn't in the mood to argue. He was tired and just wanted to hug his power bank but was afraid to disturb him.

"I'm taking jungkookie home"  he said but before he can open the door jimin held his hand.

"No stay away I'll drop him in the morning, you just go back" jimin gently pushed him away.

"Fine" taehyung said defeatedly.

"Just take care of him"

"You don't get to tell me that" 

Taehyung left without any further arguments. 


Days passed and Jungkook had stopped talking to elder. He'll stay in his room most of the times. Sometimes he'll spend time with his parents but will leave the place as soon taehyung joined them. Jihyun and Seonho also noticed younger's behavior but they let them be to sort it on their own but the situation wasn't getting any better. 

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