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"Congratulations" Seonho hugged his elder son while Jihyun was looking at the duo with heart eyes.

"I'm so happy for you" Jihyun said cupping taehyung's face. 

"Thanks mum" taehyung kissed the back of her hand.

"So when we are going to celebrate your huge achievement Taehyung" Seonho asked sitting on the couch. 

taehyung had just bagged a huge deal for their company with one of the biggest business tycoons. The man was impressed by their company and he became even more interested when he heard from his peers praises about kim taehyung. He contacted him and after almost one month of presentations and negotiations he was successful. 

His new business partner, named Lee Minho was in his thirties and was respected worldwide. It was a huge opportunity for taehyung to make his own name apart from his father's business.

"Actually me and Mr. minho decided to throw a party this Saturday. I'll inform you about the venue once it's confirmed" Taehyung told them with a big smile

"Okay now take some rest tae. I'll call you when dinner's ready." Taehyung nodded.

"Okay mom, I also have to tell Jungkook about it" he said excitedly, wanting to tell younger about his achievement.

"Oh Jungkook isn't back yet. I called him earlier and he said he'll be late as he have to do some project with his friends. You can tell him once he's back" Jihyun told and taehyung smiled at her and left for his room. His excitement died a little but he composed himself. Jungkook will be back soon and he can tell him. 

Taehyung took a shower and laid to take a nap. Jihyun woke him up for dinner at around 8PM. 

"Is jungkook back?" taehyung asked still sleepy.

"I called him he's on his way" Jihyun ruffled his hair and left towards dining room. Taehyung soon joined them. They were about to eat when a maid informed them Jungkook is back. Seonho told her to tell jungkook to come and join them to eat. He came after a few minutes and greeted them. Taehyung looked up at him happily but his smile faltered when he looked at younger's tired face. 

He had eye bags and some dark circles under his eyes. His hair were messy and his usually bright and shining eyes were dull. Taehyung looked away, his heart aching by looking at younger. 

"Don't pretend to feel bad Kim Taehyung when it's your fault" 

Something inside him said bitterly. He let out a sad sigh. Jungkook settled on the chair beside his mother and they started eating. Taehyung was mainly focused on younger who wasn't eating much. Seonho was noticing younger too. He asked him a few questions about his studies and stuff. Thankfully he was doing good in study these days.

 Seonho had also scolded him few days ago about his recent situation at the police station. Jihyun tried to calm him but he wasn't having any of it. Instead he scolded taehyung too for trying to cover his mistakes. Since then the air was tense between father and son but Seonho was talking to him like they used to do and it was a good sign and both taehyung and jihyun were happy. Jungkook ate his food first and left early.

"Mom I'm tired I'll sleep early today." He said to his mother who nodded and kissed his forehead.

"Sleep well my baby" 

After sometime taehyung got up too and excused himself saying he had some work to do. He knocked at younger's door which was locked. He waited few minutes but it didn't opened. He dejectedly moved towards his own room. 

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