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Taehyung's car stopped outside their house. Jungkook silently got out without uttering a word and went inside. Taehyung followed behind. He saw Jihyun sitting in living room reading a magazine. Taehyung went to sit beside her. She placed the magazine on the side table when she realized taehyug's presence.

"You're back early today" Jihyun asked gently combing his hair with her fingers.

"I had to do something important so I left office early" Taehyung replied as he closed his eyes and leaned on jihyun's shoulder who smiled gently at her elder son and pecked his forehead.

"Did you bring Jungkook from school". He decided not to tell jihyun about the matter right now. He'll tell her later.

"Yes mom"

"Are you tired?" she asked, taehyung nodded his head a little.

"Get some rest I'll make you something when you'll wake up" she said. Taehyung closed his eyes for a few moments but then heard a door slam from upstairs. He already knew who it was.

"What happened to him Kookie?" Jihyun asked looked upstairs.

"Nothing, I didn't buy him ice cream" Taehyung got up. Jihyun chuckled.

"Good don't buy him anything cold he'll get sick again."

"I'll go wash up mom" he said and jihyun nodded. He went upstairs and was about to enter his room but then turned around and knocked on younger's door.

"Open the door Jungkook" he said

"Go away" came a voice.

"You know I can open it by myself I have keys but I want you to open it" taehyun waited for any response. He heard a groan from inside and smirked unconsciously.

Taehyung has keys for younger's room because once he fell unconscious in his room when he got angry and locked himself inside. He was crying which aggravated his asthma and he fainted due to unavailability of his inhaler which he kept inside his drawer forgot. They had to break the door and took him to the hospital. Their doctor suggested to keep a close eye on his and to never let this happen again as his condition turned critical due to lack of proper breathing and oxygen. So from that day all three of them keep keys of his room with themselves. Jungkook wasn't fond of the idea but he stayed silent when Soenho nagged him for locking himself inside when they got back home.

The door of the room was opened with a mad looking jungkook glaring at elder.

"What's with you?" he asked irritated.

"Let me in"

"No I don't want to talk to you or see you. So you can leave" he closed his door but taehyung stopped it with his feet and gently pushed it to open the door. Jungkook protested but taehyung ignored him. He got inside and closed the door.

"What's your problem leave me alone, get out of my room" he started yelling but not too loudly so his mom won't know. He was pushing taehyung out of his room with anger but then his breath started to shorten because of him being angry and thrashing around.

"Enough" taehyung said sternly and groped his arm and almost threw him on the bed. One thing Jungkook hated was Taehyung is extremely strong compared to him. He will effortlessly pick him and jungkook can't do anything in front of his strength.

Taehyung moved towards his bedside table and took out his inhaler. He placed his one hand on his nape and with other he placed the inhaler in front of him.

"Open up" he received a glare in response but younger opened his mouth and taehyung sprayed the surfactant in his mouth. After a few minutes Jungkook started breathing normally.

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