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Jungkook felt a tap on his shoulder and was surprised to see the female in front of him.

Oh Yeonjo

"Hello Jungkook" she greeted. Jungkook was a little hesitant but he decided it was better to reply.

"Hi" he said briefly. He looked around to see if she was with someone.

By now jungkook knew taehyung and yeonjo didn't get married or else he would have known it. It's been more than one and a half year since taehyung left but he never heard the news of his marriage. He wonder why when they were already engaged and were going to get married in a month.

Is it because Taehyung left for US suddenly?

"Can we talk" yeonjo asked politely smiling at him. Jungkook looked for soobin but the younger wasn't in sight.

What's taking him so long

"Ahmm yeah sure" jungkook said and they both went to a nearby restaurant which was just across the mall. Jungkook had messaged soobin to complete his shopping and meet him at the restaurant he was present right now with yeonjo.

"It's been a long time" yeonjo said her gaze was fixed on jungkook's face who was busy looking at his coffee. He looked up from it and nodded at the elder lady.


"I have to confess something to you" yeonjo said with a sigh and jungkook waited for her to tell whatever she was about to confess.

"Me and taehyung" she started, jungkook didn't have any good feeling from the start.

"We never were a thing" yeonjo said and jungkook needed a few minutes to process whatever she was saying.

"W-What?" he thought he heard it wrong.

"We never dated, taehyung and me were good friends since our university days. Basically we made a deal to help each other. He helped me in winning over the person I have always liked and in return he asked for a favour that I'll have to pretend to be his girlfriend" jungkook's eyes were fixed on yeonjo's face waiting for her to tell him it's just a joke.

"T-That ring?" jungkook asked with a weak voice and yeonjo smiled at him.

"It's from my husband, Kang Chul" yeonjo said and jungkook gulped his saliva down his throat.
(W fans where are you?)

"Why did you both lied then" jungkook was getting impatient and frustrated. He was lied and for what?

"Taehyung had his reasons Jungkook and it would be better if he himself explained them to you." yeonjo said and jungkook closed his eyes like he was trying to comprehend the situation and enduring a pain

"But one thing is for sure, we both know for whom he did it and how much he loves that person. I mean who could doubt Taehyung's love for that person when it is literally expressed by his eyes and every action"


" I just wanted to clear my side that I never tried to snatch him away or anything, it was taehyung's decision and I was just helping me. I don't know but still I felt guilty all these times and I wanted to tell you." jungkook was dead silent with an expressionless face.

"I know you and taehyung have to clear a lot of things but do it soon. Take advice from this noona and make the first move" yeonjo said with a warm smile and started gathering her keys and bag from the chair beside.

"I'll leave now,  my husband must be waiting for me" yeonjo said and jungkook nodded a little.

Yeonjo left after a small good bye while jungkook's mind was a mess.

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