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I'm  back with an update but I think I won't be able to update for one or two weeks. My final exams are starting from Wednesday and then I'll be finally in my senior year of university 😆
I don't want to rush last chapters of this story and ruin it. Also I came up with the idea and plot of a new book.
I'll share it with y'all soon too.
Thank you for waiting patiently and giving me love. Enjoy ❤

Kindly ignore the spelling mistakes. I know all the right spellings but when I type on mobile typos appear automatically due to my long nails😀

Taehyung sighed while slumping on the chair in his office. He was tired from having consective meetings with the new business partners and old one’s working with their company. He looked out of the huge glass walls of his office, showing city lights and buildings. He closed his eyes for a few minutes but then heard someone walking inside his office. By the looks of it, it was definitely his little lover who would never have to ask for permission to enter his office.
Taehyung quickly opened his eyes to get a glimpse of the younger’s breath taking face. Jungkook walked towards him and without a word crashed in his lap, straddling him he rested his chin on taehyung’s shoulder. Taehyung immediately wrapped his arms around Jungkook and pressed him securely inside his chest.
“What happened why you are pouting baby?” taehyung asked, pecking his hair gently.
“I missed you” jungkook said with a muffled voice.
“But I was gone like 4 hours” taehyung said caressing his back with his palm.
“And that’s a lot” Jungkook parted and glared at elder.
“Okay, I know I’m sorry petal, you’re right. Now give me a kiss” taehyung neared his face to the younger’s face but jungkook leaned back.
“No let’s go home first. I’m tired. Dad took me to his office too. I want to go home” jungkook whined and taehyung chuckled.
“I would take you home but I have to do some work first love. Can you wait for me?” taehyung asked gently cupping his nape. Jungkook nodded at him. Taehyung pulled his close and kissed his pink moisturized lips softly. Jungkook hummed in the kiss and tangled his fingers in elder’s soft locks.
“Ahmmm, don’t stop” jungkook whined when taehyung pulled away and leaned in to kiss tae again. Rolling his hips light on top of elder jungkook moaned out softly.
“I love you” Junkook said parting away and again latched onto elder’s lips like he was addicted to them.
“I love you too” taehyung replied, kissing him slow and sensual.

“Let hyungie work and then we’ll get you ice cream” taehyung said wiping spit from younger lips. Jungkook nodded and hugged him sleepily.
“I’m not moving work like this” jungkook informed and taehyung chuckled.
“Rest well, I’ll wake you up when I’m done” jungkook nodded slightly and then closed his eyes.

Taehyung pulled his laptop nearer and started going through his emails. It was a little difficult to work like this, but if he got to hold jungkook close then he won’t complain at all.

It took a few hours for taehyung to complete his work. Jungkook was snoring softly on his shoulder. Taehyung put his laptop away and gently patted younger’s head to wake him up.
“Let’s get going guk” jungkook got off his lap sleepily. Taehyung picked up his things and interlaced their fingers together. He took younger to his car. Jungkook was awake but a still in a daze.
“Ice cream?” he asked and jungkook nodded while stretching his limbs. Taehyung fastened his seatbelt and after pecking his cheek he started the car and drove to get younger ice cream.

“Where you would like to stay tonight at our home or your dad’s?”  taehyung asked jungkook who was sipping on his ice cream shake.
“At dad’s place. I met mom and dad before coming to see you. I’ll come home tomorrow.” Jungkook replied. Taehyung pouted but there wasn’t much he could do. Jungkook smiled at the elder and leaned towards him to kiss the side of his lips.

“Don’t pout hyungie, or else it’ll make me sad” jungkook said. Taehyung smiled at him and started another conversation so the younger won’t think much about him being sad.

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