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It's a filler chapter mostly.

Taehyung was standing near his parents. Jihyun was sobbing on the couch meanwhile Seonho was on call with one of his friends in police department.

He ended the call and weakly threw his mobile on the couch. He settled on the other couch in living room.

"You made a huge mistake Jihyun"

“I’m going out to find Jungkook” taehyung said and left the living room.

Seonho threw his head in his palms as he prayed for his precious son to come back. He looked at his wife with a hurt look. He doesn’t know what to say to her. He knew she was suffering most because she’s the reason that Jungkook is missing from the past few hours. Every single thing which jungkook owned was present in his room. Even his mobile and car keys everything was in their house except the most precious asset of them.

“When I first saw him he was barely a few hours old” Soenho said after sometime. Jihyun was listening to him, tears streaming down her face.

“He was so small and precious. He was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. His small face, hands, feet. He was just perfect” Seonho said with a weak smile.
“The nurse gave him to you after doctor informed us that they couldn’t save Yujin” Jihyun let out a shaky breath, something choking her throat.

“You took him in your arms and promised to never leave him. You said you will become the person he’ll think of first whenever he cried. That you’ll become his comfort person, and you did. You became his comfort person; you did everything a mother could do to raise him. Loved him more than anyone else.” Seonho took a little pause.

“You took a promise from me that I’ll never differentiate between him and Tae, I accepted from heart but then what happened that you forgot your own words?” Seonho questioned her. Jihyun’s face was full of hurt and guilt.

“Why did you do that? Why did you break him? You know how he is. He would cry if he could not see you for more than a few hours. He thought you were his mother_

“Please stop it” Jihyun cried out.
“I am his mother. He is my baby just mine” she yelled. Seonho looked at her with a pained face.

“I made a sin, I know that. I’ll beg him for forgiveness but please bring him back. I would go out of my mind please Seonho give me my baby back.” She fell to ground, crying out loudly. Seonho went beside her and hugged her from side.

“Please! Please bring jungkookie back. I know I am the worse but I can’t live without him.” She hid her face in seonho’s chest wailing in his hold.

“Let’s just pray wherever he is he will come back safe and sound” seonho said. Jihyun shook her head.

Her heart and mind were cursing at her. Every fiber of her body was shouting at her heartless action and how cruelly she broke Jungkook’s fragile heart. The way she informed him of his truth in the worse way possible, knowing very well how sensitive he is in the first place.

The love for taehyung and the anger of being separated from her elder son made her blind by rage that she took all of it out on jungkook without hearing him. She still remembers the look on Jungkook’s face when she said those cruel words, the way she made his whole existence a lie.
Jihyun kept crying pathetically meanwhile seonho tried to find anything that will lead him to his son.


Taehyung knew it was futile to look for Jungkook. The younger must be somewhere he couldn’t find him. He’s always has been good at hiding since childhood. He had asked the security guard about when jungkook left and the middle aged man told him that the younger left at 4AM in the morning. He was wearing his hoodie and jeans. He left alone and walked towards park in their neighborhood.

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