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You rang the bell at the gate and waited for someone to speak through the intercom.

The driveway was long, like a 1-2 minute drive. And the house was massive, even though it was in the distance, it was the size of two mansions combined.

Based on your research, Hiroto had one sister, and his dad only. So why would his dad buy such a big house for just THREE people!?

When Hiroto said he was rich he wasn't lieing, why didn't he just go to home school?

And why would he wanna play soccer?

The Kira industry has nothing to do with Soccer. It only sponsored seishou and Aliea Gakuen, aside from that, nothing to do with soccer.

You rang the door bell again, you've probably been standing there for like... Two minutes now. "F/N!!!"

Hiroto ran down the driveway, "He's here, mom." You turned around, she waved and drove off.

"Hi Hiroto." You smiled, waking over to the broad gate.

"Ah! Don't touch the gate! You'll get electricuted, and we don't want a fried F/N do we?"

"No we do not." Hiroto pulled out a remote and the gate opened, like some gate to heaven. In all of it's glory, both the left and the right side of the gate opened.

And Hiroto is god...

When you entered the house though its huge wooden doors. You saw both his sister and father there,and so you bowed a complete 90 degree.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," you were so nervous that was the only thing you could think of,at that time.

Hiroto put his hand on your shoulder, and pulled you back up. "Stop being so formal." he whispered, his voice sounding a bit annoyed.

You thought he was gonna say something, like 'This is F/N, my friend' or something.

But no, he grabbed your arm and pulled you away, you didn't know what to do:
Resist and force to stay and greet properly, or go with him.

Oh well, F/N, you have a slow-thinking mind, before you could make up your mind you were already in his bedroom.

"Hey! You can't just drag me into your room! I have to greet your family."

"You don't, I invited you, not them."

Your eyes suddenly went wide, "Did they not know I was coming??"
Hiroto could see if he answered 'no' you were gonna lose it. "No..."

He got ready to stop you from leaving the room. But you went blank, and just stood there... Like a broken Robot.

You closed your mouth and gulped, "Then... I'm not a welcomed guest!" with that you turned around and ran for the door.

But his hand reached the handle before yours could. The door slammed shut and your head made a big 'bom' you fell to your knees rubbing your painfull nose.


So, Hiroto convinced you that he did tell them you were coming, just that they thought you were a bad child, and that you were coming to the house to perform acts of delinquency.

So that's why the were at the front door, to inspect you.

He said that you being a girl was enough for them to think you weren't a delinquent.

"But that's sexist." You remarked, "Oh well... if it helps I think you'd make a finnnnne bad girl~"

That was creepy but flirty. You didn't know how to feel about that remark.
But still accepted it as a compliment.

Silence filled up the room...

"You should stop running into things by the way." He ordered. "And you should stop- what's that bag for Hiroto?"

"Your wound."

Okay I'll give you a choice, would you
"Stop Hiroto from helping you"


Let him clean your wound.

Comment! In the next.... 120 minutes
So it's 7:20pm here right now. By 9:20 I'll be checking.

If no comments are made... Then I guess you'll refuse?

Inazuma Eleven Ares: Hitoro × shy and smart reader longshotWhere stories live. Discover now